vverb.socialrecruit for a union or organize into a unionSynset:unionise unionize
Examples:- We don't allow people to come into our plant and try to unionize the workers
Derivationally Related Form:unionizationunionisationunion
Hypernyms:enrol enroll enter inscribe recruit
Inherited Hypernyms:unionizeenrollregisterrecordsavekeephave
Causes:organise organize unionise unionize
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.socialform or join a unionSynset:organise organize unionise unionize
Examples:- The auto workers decided to unionize
Derivationally Related Form:unionizationorganizationunionorganisationorganizerunionisation
Hypernyms:fall in get together join
Inherited Hypernyms:unionizejoin
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
adjadj.allnot converted into ionsSynset:nonionic nonionised nonionized unionized
Inherited Hypernyms:nonionized
adj satadj.allbeing a member of or formed into a labor unionSynset:organised organized unionized
Examples:- organized labor
- unionized workers
- a unionized shop
Inherited Hypernyms:organized
Similar to:union