Synset:apply employ use utilize
- use your head!
- we only use Spanish at home
- I can't use this tool
- Apply a magnetic field here
- This thinking was applied to many projects
- How do you utilize this tool?
- I apply this rule to get good results
- use the plastic bags to store the food
- He doesn't know how to use a computer
Derivationally Related Form:applicativeuserusableutilizationutilizerapplicationutilisationutilityutilizableemploymentapplicatoryusageuseuseable
Inherited Hypernyms:use
Direct Hyponyms:addressassignavailcannibalisecannibalizecommitconsecratededicatedevoteenjoyexerciseexertexploitextendfall backgiveimplementmisapplymisuseoverdriveoveruseplayplypull out all the stopsputput to workrecurrecyclereprocessresortreusesharestraintaketapwastework
Causes:apply go for hold
Full Troponyms:addressapplyavailcannibalizecommercializecommunalizecybernatedouble upenjoyexerciseexertexploitfall backgiveharnessimpingeimplementlimbermake haymaximizemilkminemisapplyoverdriveoverexploitoverstrainoveruseoverworkplayplypoolpreypromotepull out all the stopsputquarryqueenrackreclaimrecyclerededicaterehashreposesharestrainstrip minetaketaxtrespassusevowwarm upwastework
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s something to somebody | They --- the animals (apply to: utilize, use, employ, utilise)