vverb.perceptionview the outline of by means of an X-rayTopic:medical specialtymedicine
Examples:- The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver
Hypernyms:catch see take in view watch
Inherited Hypernyms:visualizewatchwatch
Direct Hyponyms:image
Full Troponyms:image
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationform a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstractSynset:visualize
Examples:- Mathematicians often visualize
Derivationally Related Form:visualisation
Hypernyms:conceive of envisage ideate imagine
Inherited Hypernyms:visualizeimaginecreate by mental actmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.creationimagine; conceive of; see in one's mindSynset:envision fancy figure image picture project see visualize
Examples:- I can't see him on horseback!
- I can see what will happen
- I can see a risk in this strategy
Derivationally Related Form:figurationimagevisualizerimagingpicturepicturingimageryfancyvisualizationenvisioningseer
Hypernyms:conceive of envisage ideate imagine
Inherited Hypernyms:visualizeimaginecreate by mental actmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | Did he --- his major works over a short period of time? (apply to: envision, visualize)
vverb.changemake visibleSynset:visualize
Examples:- With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized
Hypernyms:alter change modify
Inherited Hypernyms:visualizechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something