vverb.creationproduce a literary workTopic:authorshipcompositionpenningwriting
Synset:compose indite pen write
Examples:- She composed a poem
- He wrote four novels
Derivationally Related Form:compositionwriterpenwritingpenning
Hypernyms:create verbally
Inherited Hypernyms:writecreate verballymake
Direct Hyponyms:adoptannotateauthorcitedash offdraftdramatisedramatizedrawfling offfootnoteknock offlyricoutlineparagraphpoetisepoetizeprofilereferencerewritescratch offscripttoss offverseversifywrite aboutwrite copywrite ofwrite offwrite onwrite outwrite up
Entailment:spell write
Full Troponyms:annotateauthorco-authordash offdraftdramatizedrawelegizeghostlyricmetrifyparagraphprofilereferencerelyricrewritescriptsonnetspondaizeversewrite copywrite offwrite onwrite out
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Did he --- his major works over a short period of time? (apply to: pen, compose) | They will --- the duet (apply to: compose) | Sam and Sue --- the movie (apply to: write)
vverb.communicationcommunicate or express by writingExamples:- He wrote about his great love for his wife
Derivationally Related Form:writerwriting
Hypernyms:communicate intercommunicate
Inherited Hypernyms:writecommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:apostrophiseapostrophizecutget downhandwriteissuejotjot downmake output downrewritescrabblescribbleset downsignstylesubscribetypetypewritewrite downwrite inwrite outwrite up
Full Troponyms:amendapostrophizebackspacebraillecheckdash downdecodedouble-spacehandwritejot downnotatenotereviserewriteromanizerubricatescribbleshiftsignstyletouch-typetranscribetransliteratetriple-spacetypewrite downwrite inwrite outwrite up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody | They --- them the information (apply to: write) | They --- the information to them (apply to: write)
vverb.communicationcommunicate (with) in writingSynset:drop a line write
Derivationally Related Form:writer
Inherited Hypernyms:writecorrespond
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s to somebody
vverb.creationwrite musicTopic:music
Synset:compose write
Examples:- Beethoven composed nine symphonies
Derivationally Related Form:composercompositioncomposing
Hypernyms:create make
Inherited Hypernyms:composemake
Direct Hyponyms:arrangecounterpointharmoniseharmonizeinstrumentinstrumentatemelodisemelodizescoresetset to music
Full Troponyms:arrangecounterpointharmonizeinstrumentmelodizeorchestrateprearrangeputrealizereharmonizescoreset to musictabletranspose
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | Did he --- his major works over a short period of time? (apply to: write, compose)
vverb.creationmark or trace on a surfaceExamples:- The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper
- Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet
Derivationally Related Form:writer
Hypernyms:delineate describe draw line trace
Inherited Hypernyms:writetracemarkchange
Direct Hyponyms:calligraphcapitalisecapitalizecopycrossdotimpressletterprintscrawlscribblestenographsuperscribe
Full Troponyms:boldfacecalligraphcapitalizecopycopy outcrosscyclostyledotitalicizelettermisprintoffsetoverprintprintproverecopyscribblestenographsuperscribesurchargetypeset
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s
vverb.communicationrecord data on a computerTopic:computer sciencecomputing
Synset:save write
Examples:- boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk
Hypernyms:record tape
Inherited Hypernyms:writerecordrecordsavekeephave
Direct Hyponyms:overwrite
Full Troponyms:overwrite
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.creationwrite or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word)Synset:spell write
Examples:- He spelled the word wrong in this letter
Derivationally Related Form:spelling
Inherited Hypernyms:spell
Direct Hyponyms:hyphenhyphenatespell out
Full Troponyms:hyphenatespell out
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationcreate code, write a computer programExamples:- She writes code faster than anybody else
Hypernyms:create by mental act create mentally
Inherited Hypernyms:writecreate by mental actmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
adjadj.allset down in writing in any of various waysAntonyms:spoken
Inherited Hypernyms:written
Similar to:backhand left-slanting cursive engrossed graphic graphical in writing handwritten holographic inscribed longhand scrivened shorthand
See also:scripted written
adjadj.allsystematically collected and written downAntonyms:unwritten
Inherited Hypernyms:written
Similar to:codified statute
adjadj.allwritten as for a film or play or broadcastSynset:scripted
Inherited Hypernyms:scripted