nnoun.actan involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredomSynset:oscitance oscitancy yawn
Examples:- he could not suppress a yawn
- the yawning in the audience told him it was time to stop
- he apologized for his oscitancy
Derivationally Related Form:oscitantyawn
Hypernyms:inborn reflex innate reflex instinctive reflex physiological reaction reflex reflex action reflex response unconditioned reflex
Inherited Hypernyms:yawnreflexreactionbodily processorganic processprocessphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:pandiculation
Full Hyponyms:pandiculation
vverb.bodyutter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tiredExamples:- The child yawned during the long performance
Derivationally Related Form:yawneryawningyawn
Hypernyms:breathe respire suspire take a breath
Inherited Hypernyms:yawnbreathe
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.stativebe wide openSynset:gape yaw yawn
Inherited Hypernyms:gapebe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
adj satadj.allgaping open as if threatening to engulf someone or somethingExamples:- the yawning mine shaft
- a yawning abyss
Inherited Hypernyms:yawning
Similar to:open
adj satadj.allwith the mouth wide open indicating boredom or sleepinessAntonyms:closed
Inherited Hypernyms:yawning
Similar to:open opened
adj satadj.allshowing lack of attention or boredomSynset:drowsy oscitant
Derivationally Related Form:oscitancy
Inherited Hypernyms:drowsy
Similar to:inattentive