nnoun.statethe flow of blood from a ruptured blood vesselSynset:haemorrhage hemorrhage
Derivationally Related Form:bleedhemorrhagichaemorrhagichemorrhage
Hypernyms:harm hurt injury trauma
Inherited Hypernyms:bleedinginjuryill healthpathological statephysical conditionconditionstateattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:blood extravasationcerebral hemorrhageepistaxishaemorrhagic strokehemorrhagic strokehyphemametrorrhagianosebleedulemorrhagia
Full Hyponyms:blood extravasationcerebral hemorrhagehemorrhagic strokehyphemametrorrhagianosebleedulemorrhagia
vverb.bodylose blood from one's bodySynset:bleed hemorrhage shed blood
Derivationally Related Form:bleederbleedinghemorrhage
Hypernyms:discharge eject exhaust expel release
Inherited Hypernyms:shed bloodexhaust
Direct Hyponyms:flowmenstruate
Full Troponyms:menstruate
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Did his feet ---? (apply to: bleed)
vverb.bodydraw bloodTopic:medicinepractice of medicine
Synset:bleed leech phlebotomise phlebotomize
Examples:- In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment
Derivationally Related Form:leechphlebotomy
Hypernyms:care for treat
Inherited Hypernyms:bleedtreat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.possessionget or extort (money or other possessions) from someoneExamples:- They bled me dry--I have nothing left!
Hypernyms:extort gouge rack squeeze wring
Inherited Hypernyms:bleedextortoverchargecheatvictimizewrongtreatinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something from somebody | Somebody ---s somebody | They --- him of all his money (apply to: bleed)
vverb.motionbe diffusedSynset:bleed run
Examples:- These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run
Hypernyms:diffuse fan out spread spread out
Inherited Hypernyms:rundiffusespread
Direct Hyponyms:crock
Full Troponyms:crock
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changedrain of liquid or steamExamples:- bleed the radiators
- the mechanic bled the engine
Inherited Hypernyms:bleedemptychange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something