

单词 bridges
nnoun.personUnited States labor leader who organized the longshoremen (1901-1990)
Synset:Bridges Harry Bridges
Instance Hypernyms:labor leader
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgeslabor leaderleaderpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgeslabor leaderleaderpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.
Synset:bridge span
Derivationally Related Form:bridge
Part Holonyms:transit transportation transportation system
Hypernyms:construction structure
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgestructureartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:Bailey bridgebateau bridgecantilever bridgecattle gridcattle guardcovered bridgedrawbridgefloating bridgeflyoverfootbridgelift bridgeovercrossingoverpasspedestrian bridgepontoon bridgerope bridgesteel arch bridgesuspension bridgetoll bridgetrestle bridgetruss bridgeviaduct
Part Meronyms:arch pier trestle
Full Hyponyms:
bailey bridgecantilever bridgecattle guardcovered bridgedrawbridgefootbridgegangplankjet bridgeoverpasspontoon bridgerope bridgesteel arch bridgesuspension bridgetoll bridgetrestle bridgetruss bridgeviaduct
nnoun.artifacta circuit consisting of two branches (4 arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected
Synset:bridge bridge circuit
Hypernyms:circuit electric circuit electrical circuit
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgecircuitelectrical devicedeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:Wheatstone bridge
Full Hyponyms:
wheatstone bridge
nnoun.relationsomething resembling a bridge in form or function
  • his letters provided a bridge across the centuries
Derivationally Related Form:bridge
Hypernyms:connectedness connection connexion
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgeconnectionrelationabstractionentity
nnoun.bodythe hard ridge that forms the upper part of the nose
  • her glasses left marks on the bridge of her nose
Part Holonyms:nose olfactory organ
Hypernyms:anatomical structure bodily structure body structure complex body part structure
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgestructurebody partpartthingphysical entityentity
Part Meronyms:nasal nasal bone os nasale
nnoun.actany of various card games based on whist for four players
Hypernyms:card game cards
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgecard gamegameactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:auctionauction bridgebridge whistcontractcontract bridge
Part Meronyms:bid bidding contract declaration ruff trumping slam sweep
Full Hyponyms:
auctionbridge whistcontractno-trump
nnoun.artifacta wooden support that holds the strings up
Part Holonyms:stringed instrument
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgesupportdeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth
Synset:bridge bridgework
Hypernyms:dental plate denture plate
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgedenturedental appliancedeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifactthe link between two lenses; rests on the nose
Synset:bridge nosepiece
Part Holonyms:eyeglasses glasses specs spectacles
Hypernyms:link linkup tie tie-in
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgelinkfastenerrestraintdeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifactan upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands
Synset:bridge bridge deck
Hypernyms:upper deck
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgeupper deckdeckplatformhorizontal surfacesurfaceartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:conning towerfly bridgeflybridgeflying bridgemonkey bridge
Part Meronyms:pilothouse wheelhouse
Full Hyponyms:
conning towerflying bridge
vverb.stativeconnect or reduce the distance between
Synset:bridge bridge over
Derivationally Related Form:bridge
Hypernyms:connect link link up tie
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgeconnect
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.contactmake a bridge across
  • bridge a river
Derivationally Related Form:bridgeablebridge
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgejoinconnect
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.motioncross over on a bridge
Derivationally Related Form:bridgeablebridge
Hypernyms:cover cross cut across cut through get across get over pass over track traverse
Inherited Hypernyms:bridgetraversepasstravel
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something




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