

单词 chinquapin
nnoun.plantshrubby tree closely related to the Allegheny chinkapin but with larger leaves; southern midwestern United States
Synset:Castanea ozarkensis Ozark chinkapin Ozark chinquapin
Member Holonyms:Castanea genus Castanea
Hypernyms:chestnut chestnut tree
Inherited Hypernyms:ozark chinkapinchestnuttreewoody plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Part Meronyms:chincapin chinkapin chinquapin
nnoun.plantshrubby chestnut tree of southeastern United States having small edible nuts
Synset:Allegheny chinkapin Castanea pumila dwarf chestnut eastern chinquapin
Member Holonyms:Castanea genus Castanea
Hypernyms:chestnut chestnut tree
Inherited Hypernyms:allegheny chinkapinchestnuttreewoody plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Part Meronyms:chincapin chinkapin chinquapin
nnoun.foodsmall nut of either of two small chestnut trees of the southern United States; resembles a hazelnut
Synset:chincapin chinkapin
Part Holonyms:Allegheny chinkapin Castanea pumila chinquapin dwarf chestnut eastern chinquapin Castanea ozarkensis Ozark chinkapin Ozark chinquapin chinquapin
Hypernyms:edible nut
Inherited Hypernyms:chincapinedible nutnutseedfruitreproductive structureplant organplant partnatural objectwholeobjectphysical entityentity




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