vverb.contactcome to be detachedSynset:come away detach
Examples:- His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery
Derivationally Related Form:detachment
Hypernyms:divide part separate
Inherited Hypernyms:detachseparatechange
Direct Hyponyms:blow offchop offcut offfall offlop offunsolder
Full Troponyms:absciseblow offcut offfall offroachunsolder
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP
vverb.changehappen in a particular mannerSynset:go off go over
Examples:- how did your talk go over?
Hypernyms:come about fall out go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place
Inherited Hypernyms:go offhappen
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s Adjective
vverb.contactbreak off (a piece from a whole)Synset:break away break off chip chip off
Derivationally Related Form:chipchipping
Hypernyms:divide part separate
Inherited Hypernyms:chipseparatechange
Direct Hyponyms:exfoliateflakeflake offpeelpeel off
Full Troponyms:exfoliatepeel off
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP | These glasses --- easily (apply to: chip) | The glass tubes --- (apply to: chip)