- The committee came up with some interesting recommendations
Hypernyms:bring forth generate
Inherited Hypernyms:come upgeneratemake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
单词 | come up |
释义 | Come Up vverb.creationbring forth, usually something desirable Examples:
Hypernyms:bring forth generate Inherited Hypernyms:come upgeneratemake Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something vverb.changeresult or issue Synset:arise Examples:
Hypernyms:come about fall out go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place Inherited Hypernyms:arisehappen Direct Hyponyms:come upcondenseopenopen up Full Troponyms:come upcondenseopen Sentence Frame:Something ---s vverb.motionmove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody Synset:come Examples:
Antonyms:go Derivationally Related Form:coming Hypernyms:go locomote move travel Inherited Hypernyms:cometravel Direct Hyponyms:accostaddressapproachcome nearcome oncome up todraw closedraw nearemanatego upnear Full Troponyms:addressapproachbear down onclosecongratulatecurtsydismissdrive upedge inemanateflow outget ongreethailhitpushsalaamsalutesay farewellshake handswelcomewish Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | They --- down the river (apply to: come) | The children --- to the playground (apply to: come up) vverb.motioncome to the surface Synset:rise rise up surface Derivationally Related Form:risesurfacesurfacing Hypernyms:ascend go up Inherited Hypernyms:surfaceascendtravel Direct Hyponyms:bubble upemergeintumesceresurfaceswellwell Full Troponyms:bubble upemergeresurfacewell Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s vverb.stativeoriginate or come into being Synset:arise bob up Examples:
Hypernyms:become Inherited Hypernyms:arisebecome Sentence Frame:Something ---s vverb.motionmove upward Synset:arise go up lift move up rise uprise Examples:
Antonyms:fall Derivationally Related Form:riserisinglift Hypernyms:go locomote move travel Inherited Hypernyms:risetravel Direct Hyponyms:ascendbubblechandelleclimbclimb upcome upgo upmountriserocketscendskyrocketsoarsoar upsoar upwardssteamsurgeupliftuprisezoom Full Troponyms:billowbubblechandelleclimbcloudescaladego upmountaineerramprideriserocketscalescendsoarsteamuplift Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s vverb.stativebe mentioned Examples:
Hypernyms:arise come up Inherited Hypernyms:come uparisehappen Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s vverb.contactstart running, functioning, or operating Synset:come on go on Examples:
Antonyms:go off Hypernyms:get going go start Inherited Hypernyms:go onstart Sentence Frame:Something ---s vverb.possessionget something or somebody for a specific purpose Synset:find get hold line up Examples:
Hypernyms:acquire get Inherited Hypernyms:line upget Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: get hold, come up) vverb.motioncome up, of celestial bodies Topic:astronomyuranology Synset:ascend rise uprise Examples:
Antonyms:set Derivationally Related Form:riseascendentascension Hypernyms:arise come up go up lift move up rise uprise Inherited Hypernyms:riserisetravel Sentence Frame:Something ---s | The moon will soon --- (apply to: come up, rise) vverb.contactgather (money or other resources) together over time Synset:scrape scrape up scratch Examples:
Hypernyms:accumulate amass collect compile hoard pile up roll up Inherited Hypernyms:scraperoll upstorekeephave Direct Hyponyms:nickel-and-dime Full Troponyms:nickel-and-dime Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: come up) vverb.contactgather or bring together Synset:muster muster up rally summon Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:rally Hypernyms:collect garner gather pull together Inherited Hypernyms:mustergather Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: come up) |
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