vverb.changeimpede with a clog or as if with a clogSynset:clog constipate
Examples:- The market is being clogged by these operations
- My mind is constipated today
Hypernyms:slow slow down slow up
Inherited Hypernyms:clogslowdeceleratedecreasechange magnitudechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.bodycause to be constipatedSynset:bind constipate
Examples:- These foods tend to constipate you
Derivationally Related Form:constipation
Inherited Hypernyms:constipateindisposechange
Direct Hyponyms:obstipate
Full Troponyms:obstipate
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody
adjadj.allhave difficult or incomplete or infrequent evacuation of the bowelsAntonyms:unconstipated
Inherited Hypernyms:constipated
Similar to:bound