

单词 days
nnoun.timethe time during which someone's life continues
  • the monarch's last days
  • in his final years
Inherited Hypernyms:dayslifetime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
nnoun.timetime for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis
Synset:24-hour interval day mean solar day solar day twenty-four hour period twenty-four hours
  • two days later they left
  • they put on two performances every day
  • there are 30,000 passengers per day
Derivationally Related Form:daily
Hypernyms:time unit unit of time
Inherited Hypernyms:daytime unitmeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:dateday of the monthevemorrowtodaytomorrowyesterday
Part Meronyms:day daylight daytime 60 minutes hour hr dark night nighttime high noon midday noon noonday noontide twelve noon
Full Hyponyms:
birthdaydateevefuture datematuritymorrowrain datesell-by datetodaytomorrowyesterday
nnoun.timesome point or period in time
  • it should arrive any day now
  • after that day she never trusted him again
  • those were the days
  • these days it is not unusual
Inherited Hypernyms:daytimetime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:Day of JudgementDay of JudgmentDoomsdayJudgement DayJudgment DayLast DayLast JudgementLast Judgmentcrack of doomday of reckoningdoomsdayend of the worldeschatonoff-day
Full Hyponyms:
judgment dayoff-day
nnoun.timea day assigned to a particular purpose or observance
  • Mother's Day
Hypernyms:calendar day civil day
Inherited Hypernyms:daycalendar daytime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:Admission DayAll Fools' dayAllhallows EveAmerican Indian DayApril 14April Fools'April Fools' dayArbor DayArmed Forces DayCinco de MayoCitizenship DayDavis' BirthdayDecember 31Father's DayFebruary 12February 14February 2February 22February 29First of MayFlag DayGroundhog DayHallowe'enHalloweenInauguration DayJanuary 19January 20Jefferson Davis' BirthdayJune 14June 23June 3Lee's BirthdayLincoln's BirthdayMarch 17March 2May 1May DayMidsummer EveMidsummer NightMother's DayNew Year's EveNovember 5October 24Pan American DayPatriot's DayRobert E Lee's BirthdayRobert E Lee DaySaint Patrick's DaySaint Valentine's DaySeptember 17St John's EveSt John's NightSt Patrick's DaySt Valentine's DayTetTexas Independence DayUnited Nations DayV-dayValentine's DayValentine DayVictory DayWalpurgis NightWashington's Birthdayanniversarybissextile daycommencement dayday of remembrancedegree dayelection dayfield dayholidayidesleap daymarket daypaydaypolling dayrag dayred-letter daysaint's dayschool dayspeech daywashdaywashing daywedding day
Full Hyponyms:
admission dayadvent sundayall saints' dayall souls' dayamerican indian dayanniversaryannunciationapril fools'arbor dayarmed forces dayascensionash wednesdayassumptionbank holidaybastille daybicentennialbimillenniumbirthdaybonfire nightboxing daycandlemascentennialchristian holy daychristmaschristmas evecinco de mayocircumcisioncitizenship daycolumbus daycommencement daycommonwealth daycorpus christidiamond jubileediamond wedding anniversarydominion daydormitioneastereaster sundayember dayepiphanyfast dayfast of estherfast of gedaliahfast of tammuzfast of tevetfast of the firstbornfather's dayfeast dayfield dayflag daygolden wedding anniversarygood fridaygroundhog dayguy fawkes dayhalf-holidayhalloweenhanukkahhigh holy dayhogmanayholidayholy day of obligationholy innocents' dayholy saturdayid al-adhaid al-fitridesimmaculate conceptioninauguration dayindependence dayjefferson davis' birthdayjewish holy dayjubileelabor daylag b'omerlammasleap daylegal holidaylincoln's birthdaylow sundaymajor fast daymardi grasmarket daymartin luther king jr's birthdaymartinmasmaundy thursdaymay daymemorial daymesasamkrantimichaelmasmidsummer daymidsummer evemillenniumminor fast daymother's daymovable feastname daynew year's daynew year's evenovember 5palm sundaypan american daypaschpassion sundaypassoverpatriot's daypaydaypentecostpolling daypresidents' daypurimquadragesimaquarter dayquatercentennialquincentennialquinquagesimarag dayramanavamired-letter dayreligious holidayremembrance dayrobert e lee's birthdayrogation dayrosh hashanahrosh hodeshsaint's daysaint agnes's evesaint josephsaints peter and paulschool daysemicentennialseptuagesimasesquicentennialshavousshimchath torahsilver jubileesilver wedding anniversarysolemnity of maryspeech dayst patrick's daysuccothtercentennialtettexas independence daythanksgivingtishah b'avtransfigurationtrinity sundaytwelfth nightunited nations dayv-dayvalentine dayveterans dayvictoria daywalpurgis nightwashdaywashington's birthdaywedding anniversarywedding dayyom kippur
nnoun.timethe time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside
Synset:day daylight daytime
  • the dawn turned night into day
  • it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime
Part Holonyms:24-hour interval day mean solar day solar day twenty-four hour period twenty-four hours
Hypernyms:period period of time time period
Inherited Hypernyms:daytime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:afternooneveeveneveningeventidemidafternoon
Part Meronyms:forenoon morn morning morning time
Full Hyponyms:
afternooneveningguest nightmidafternoon
nnoun.timethe recurring hours when you are not sleeping (especially those when you are working)
  • my day began early this morning
  • it was a busy day on the stock exchange
  • she called it a day and went to bed
Hypernyms:work time
Inherited Hypernyms:daywork timetime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:workdayworking day
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.timean era of existence or influence
  • in the day of the dinosaurs
  • in the days of the Roman Empire
  • in the days of sailing ships
  • he was a successful pianist in his day
Hypernyms:epoch era
Inherited Hypernyms:dayeratime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
nnoun.timethe period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis
  • how long is a day on Jupiter?
Hypernyms:period period of time time period
Inherited Hypernyms:daytime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:lunar day
Full Hyponyms:
lunar day
nnoun.timethe time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar day
Synset:day sidereal day
Hypernyms:sidereal time time unit unit of time
Inherited Hypernyms:sidereal daysidereal timecosmic timetimeattributeabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:sidereal daytime unitmeasureabstractionentity
nnoun.statea period of opportunity
  • he deserves his day in court
  • every dog has his day
Hypernyms:chance opportunity
Inherited Hypernyms:dayopportunitypossibilitybeingstateattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.personUnited States writer best known for his autobiographical works (1874-1935)
Synset:Clarence Day Clarence Shepard Day Jr. Day
Instance Hypernyms:author writer
Inherited Hypernyms:daywritercommunicatorpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:daywritercommunicatorpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity




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