nnoun.shapea shape that is spherical and smallSynset:bead pearl
Examples:- he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops
- beads of sweat on his forehead
Derivationally Related Form:dropletbeadybead
Inherited Hypernyms:dropsphereround shapeshapeattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:dewdropteardrop
Full Hyponyms:dewdropteardrop
nnoun.quantitya small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid)Synset:drib driblet
Examples:- he had a drop too much to drink
- a drop of each sample was analyzed
- there is not a drop of pity in that man
- years afterward, they would pay the blood-money, driblet by driblet"--Kipling
Derivationally Related Form:dropletdrop
Hypernyms:small indefinite amount small indefinite quantity
Inherited Hypernyms:dropsmall indefinite quantityindefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:dropleteye-dropeyedropraindroptearteardrop
Full Hyponyms:dropleteyedropraindroptear
nnoun.attributea sudden sharp decrease in some quantitySynset:dip fall free fall
Examples:- a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index
- there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery
- a dip in prices
- when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall
Derivationally Related Form:falldrop
Hypernyms:decrease decrement
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdecreaseamountmagnitudepropertyattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:correctionvoltage drop
Full Hyponyms:correctionvoltage drop
nnoun.objecta steep high face of rockSynset:cliff drop-off
Examples:- he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town
- a steep drop
Hypernyms:formation geological formation
Inherited Hypernyms:cliffgeological formationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:cragprecipice
Full Hyponyms:cragprecipice
nnoun.locationa predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property)Topic:drug
Hypernyms:hiding place
Inherited Hypernyms:drophiding placetopographic pointpointlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:dead drop
nnoun.eventa free and rapid descent by the force of gravitySynset:fall
Examples:- it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height
Derivationally Related Form:falldrop
Hypernyms:descent gravitation
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdescentchange of locationmovementhappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:dropgravitationchange of locationmovementhappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:free fallplungeprecipitation
Full Hyponyms:free fallplungeprecipitation
nnoun.artifacta curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenerySynset:drop cloth drop curtain
Derivationally Related Form:drop
Hypernyms:curtain drape drapery mantle pall
Inherited Hypernyms:drop curtaincurtainblindprotective coveringcoveringartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:drop curtaincurtainfurnishinginstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta central depository where things can be left or picked upDerivationally Related Form:drop
Hypernyms:deposit depositary depository repository
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdepositoryfacilityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:maildrop
Full Hyponyms:maildroppillar boxpostbox
nnoun.actthe act of dropping somethingExamples:- they expected the drop would be successful
Derivationally Related Form:drop
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdescentmotionchangeactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.motionlet fall to the groundDerivationally Related Form:drop
Hypernyms:displace move
Inherited Hypernyms:dropmove
Direct Hyponyms:dumphangplank downplonk downplopplump down
Full Troponyms:dumphangplonk downplop
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | The girls --- the wooden sticks (apply to: drop)
vverb.motionto fall verticallyExamples:- the bombs are dropping on enemy targets
Derivationally Related Form:drop
Hypernyms:come down descend fall go down
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdescendtravel
Direct Hyponyms:declinedumpflumpflump downplummetplumpplunge
Full Troponyms:declinedipflumpplummetplungesubside
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | The branches --- from the trees (apply to: drop)
vverb.changego down in valueDerivationally Related Form:drop
Hypernyms:decline go down wane
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdeclinedecreasechange magnitudechange
Direct Hyponyms:fall offsinkslumptumble
Full Troponyms:slumptumble
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | The stock market is going to --- (apply to: drop)
vverb.motionfall or descend to a lower place or levelSynset:drop down sink
Derivationally Related Form:drop
Hypernyms:change posture
Inherited Hypernyms:sinkchange posturechange
Direct Hyponyms:droopdrop openfall openflagsagsag downswag
Full Troponyms:bagdrop opensagslump
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.socialterminate an association withExamples:- drop him from the Republican ticket
Inherited Hypernyms:dropremove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody
vverb.communicationutter with seeming casualnessHypernyms:express give tongue to utter verbalise verbalize
Inherited Hypernyms:dropexpress
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changestop pursuing or actingSynset:knock off
Examples:- drop a lawsuit
- knock it off!
Hypernyms:cease discontinue give up lay off quit stop
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdiscontinue
Direct Hyponyms:nol.pros.nolle prosnolle prosequi
Full Troponyms:nolle pros
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s (apply to: knock off)
vverb.contactremove (cargo, people, etc.) from and leaveSynset:discharge drop off put down set down unload
Examples:- unload the cargo
- drop off the passengers at the hotel
Derivationally Related Form:drop
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdeliverbringtransmitmove
Direct Hyponyms:air-dropwharf
Full Troponyms:air-dropwharf
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.contactcause to fall by or as if by delivering a blowSynset:cut down fell strike down
Examples:- strike down a tree
- Lightning struck down the hikers
Derivationally Related Form:fellfeller
Inherited Hypernyms:fellcutseparatemove
Direct Hyponyms:chop downcutloglumberpoleaxpoleaxe
Causes:come down descend fall go down
Full Troponyms:chop downcutlogpoleax
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s something | They --- the trees (apply to: cut down, fell, strike down, drop)
vverb.competitionlose (a game)Topic:athleticssport
Examples:- The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13
Inherited Hypernyms:droplose
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.possessionpay outSynset:expend spend
Derivationally Related Form:expensiveexpendingexpenditureexpenderspenderspending
Inherited Hypernyms:spendpaygivetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:affordblowcommitconsumedepleteeateat upeconomiseeconomizeexhaustinvestlay outmisspendnickel-and-dimepenny-pinchpiddlepiddle awayplaceputrun throughsavesquandertrifletrifle awayunderspenduse upwantonwanton awaywarewastewipe out
Full Troponyms:affordblowbullburn offbuy intoconsumedraindrinkfritterfundindulgeinvestlavishlay outluxuriatemisspendoverspendpenny-pinchpiddleroll overrun downrun outsaveshelterspeculatespendsplurgesurfeittie uptighten one's beltunderspendwanton
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something on somebody | They --- the money (apply to: spend) | They --- money on their grandchild (apply to: spend)
vverb.changelower the pitch of (musical notes)Topic:music
Hypernyms:alter change modify
Inherited Hypernyms:flattenchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.stativehang freelySynset:dangle swing
Examples:- the ornaments dangled from the tree
- The light dropped from the ceiling
Derivationally Related Form:swingingswing
Inherited Hypernyms:danglehang
Direct Hyponyms:drooploll
Full Troponyms:droop
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP | There --- some big birds in the tree (apply to: dangle) | The lights --- from the ceiling (apply to: swing, drop) | Some big birds --- in the tree (apply to: dangle)
vverb.socialstop associating withSynset:dismiss send away send packing
Examples:- They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock
Hypernyms:can dismiss displace fire force out give notice give the axe give the sack sack send away terminate
Inherited Hypernyms:dismissdisplaceremove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.contactlet or cause to fall in dropsSynset:dribble drip
Examples:- dribble oil into the mixture
Derivationally Related Form:dropperdripdropdribble
Inherited Hypernyms:dribblepourmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP | The women --- water into the bowl (apply to: drip, dribble)
vverb.contactget rid ofSynset:cast cast off shake off shed throw throw away throw off
Examples:- he shed his image as a pushy boss
- shed your clothes
Hypernyms:remove take take away withdraw
Inherited Hypernyms:shedremove
Direct Hyponyms:absciseautotomiseautotomizeexfoliateexuviatemoltmoultshedslough
Full Troponyms:absciseautotomizedesquamateexfoliateshed
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.consumptiontake (a drug, especially LSD), by mouthExamples:- She dropped acid when she was a teenager
Hypernyms:do drugs drug
Inherited Hypernyms:dropdruguseconsume
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.cognitionomit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writingExamples:- New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's
Inherited Hypernyms:dropelideexcludeextinguishdestroyunmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.cognitionleave undone or leave outSynset:leave out miss neglect omit overleap overlook pretermit
Examples:- How could I miss that typo?
- The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten
Antonyms:attend to
Derivationally Related Form:omissibleneglecteromissionpretermissionneglectomissive
Inherited Hypernyms:neglect
Direct Hyponyms:forgetjumppass overskipskip over
Full Troponyms:forgetjump
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s to INFINITIVE
vverb.changechange from one level to anotherExamples:- She dropped into army jargon
Inherited Hypernyms:dropchange
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.changefall or sink into a state of exhaustion or deathHypernyms:fall
Inherited Hypernyms:dropfallchange statechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.bodygrow worseSynset:degenerate deteriorate devolve
Examples:- Her condition deteriorated
- Conditions in the slums degenerated
- The discussion devolved into a shouting match
Derivationally Related Form:degenerationdegenerativedeterioration
Hypernyms:decline worsen
Inherited Hypernyms:devolveworsenchange statechange
Direct Hyponyms:fadefatiguejadelanguishpallrottirewasteweary
Full Troponyms:chicken outlanguishnecrosepoop outresileretiretirewaste
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.bodygive birth; used for animalsExamples:- The cow dropped her calf this morning
Hypernyms:bear birth deliver give birth have
Inherited Hypernyms:dropgive birthproducemake
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something