

单词 economist
nnoun.personan expert in the science of economics
Synset:economic expert
Derivationally Related Form:economy
Member Holonyms:economics profession
Hypernyms:social scientist
Inherited Hypernyms:economistsocial scientistscientistpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:economistsocial scientistscientistpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:econometricianeconometristmacroeconomic expertmacroeconomistmicroeconomic expertmicroeconomistmonetarist
Instance Hyponyms:Beveridge First Baron Beveridge William Henry Beveridge Friedman Milton Friedman Frisch Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch Ragnar Frisch Galbraith John Galbraith John Kenneth Galbraith Friedrich August von Hayek Hayek Jevons William Stanley Jevons John Maynard Keynes Keynes Koopmans Tjalling Charles Koopmans Tjalling Koopmans Kuznets Simon Kuznets Arthur Laffer Laffer Leacock Stephen Butler Leacock Stephen Leacock Leontief Wassily Leontief Malthus Thomas Malthus Thomas Robert Malthus Karl Marx Marx James Edward Meade Meade John Mill John Stuart Mill Mill Jean Monnet Monnet Gunnar Myrdal Karl Gunnar Myrdal Myrdal Pareto Vilfredo Pareto David Ricardo Ricardo Joseph Alois Schumpeter Joseph Schumpeter Schumpeter Herb Simon Herbert A. Simon Herbert Alexander Simon Simon Adam Smith Smith Richard Henry Tawney Tawney Jan Tinbergen Tinbergen James Tobin Tobin Anne Robert Jacques Turgot Turgot Thorstein Bunde Veblen Thorstein Veblen Veblen Barbara Ward Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth Ward First Baron Passfield Sidney James Webb Sidney Webb Webb Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury Woodbury
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