

单词 folks
nnoun.groupyour parents
Domain Usage:pluralplural form
  • he wrote to his folks every day
Hypernyms:clan kin kin group kindred kinship group tribe
Inherited Hypernyms:folkskinsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
nnoun.grouppeople in general (often used in the plural)
Synset:common people folk
  • they're just country folk
  • folks around here drink moonshine
  • the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next
Derivationally Related Form:folksy
Inherited Hypernyms:folkpeoplegroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:country peoplecountryfolkgentlefolkgrass rootshome folkrabbleragtagragtag and bobtailriffraff
Member Meronyms:pleb plebeian
Full Hyponyms:
country peoplegentlefolkgrass rootshome folkrabbletrash
nnoun.grouppeople in general (often used in the plural)
Synset:common people folk
  • they're just country folk
  • folks around here drink moonshine
  • the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next
Derivationally Related Form:folksy
Inherited Hypernyms:folkpeoplegroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:country peoplecountryfolkgentlefolkgrass rootshome folkrabbleragtagragtag and bobtailriffraff
Member Meronyms:pleb plebeian
Full Hyponyms:
country peoplegentlefolkgrass rootshome folkrabbletrash
nnoun.groupa social division of (usually preliterate) people
Synset:folk tribe
Derivationally Related Form:tribal
Hypernyms:social group
Inherited Hypernyms:tribesocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:phyle
Member Meronyms:moiety
Full Hyponyms:
nnoun.grouppeople descended from a common ancestor
Synset:family family line folk kinfolk kinsfolk phratry sept
  • his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower
Hypernyms:ancestry blood blood line bloodline descent line line of descent lineage origin parentage pedigree stemma stock
Inherited Hypernyms:familylineagegenealogykinsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:dynastygenshomefolkhousenamepeople
Full Hyponyms:
bourboncapetian dynastycarolingian dynastydynastyflavian dynastyhabsburghanhanoverhohenzollernhomefolkhouselancasterliaomedicimerovingianmingnameottomanpeopleplantagenetptolemyqinqingromanovroyaltysaxe-coburg-gothaseljukshangstuartsungtangtudorumayyadvaloisweiwindsoryorkyuanzhou
nnoun.communicationthe traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community
Synset:ethnic music folk folk music
Hypernyms:popular music popular music genre
Inherited Hypernyms:folk musicpopular musicmusic genreexpressive stylecommunicationabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:folk musicpopular musicmusic genremusicauditory communicationcommunicationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:C and Wcountry and westerncountry musicfolk balladfolk songfolksonggospelgospel singingschottischesquare-dance music
Full Hyponyms:
bluegrassbluesboogiecountry musicdoo-wopfadofolk songgospelhillbilly musicschottischesoulsquare-dance musiczydeco




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