nnoun.grouptroops belonging to or allied with your own military forcesTopic:armed forcesarmed servicesmilitarymilitary machinewar machine
Examples:- friendlies came to their rescue
Hypernyms:military personnel soldiery troops
Inherited Hypernyms:friendlymilitary personnelforceorganizationsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
adjadj.allcharacteristic of or befitting a friendAttributes:friendliness
Examples:- friendly advice
- a friendly neighborhood
- the only friendly person here
- a friendly host and hostess
Derivationally Related Form:friendfriendliness
Inherited Hypernyms:friendly
Similar to:affable amiable cordial genial chummy matey pally palsy-walsy companionate comradely hail-fellow hail-fellow-well-met couthie couthy cozy informal intimate neighborly neighbourly social
See also:amicable congenial gracious hospitable sociable social warm
adj satadj.allinclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostileSynset:well-disposed well disposed
Examples:- a government friendly to our interests
- well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States
- a relaxed environment well-disposed to the appreciation of good food and fine wine
Derivationally Related Form:friendliness
Inherited Hypernyms:friendly
Similar to:amicable
adjadj.alleasy to understand or useDomain Usage:combining form
Examples:- user-friendly computers
- a consumer-friendly policy
- a reader-friendly novel
Inherited Hypernyms:friendly
adjadj.allof or belonging to your own country's forces or those of an allyExamples:- in friendly territory
- he was accidentally killed by friendly fire
Inherited Hypernyms:friendly