vverb.motionchange location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphoricallySynset:go locomote move travel
Examples:- How fast does your new car go?
- We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus
- The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect
- The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell
- news travelled fast
Antonyms:stay in place
Derivationally Related Form:travellertravelmovementmotionlocomotiontravelermovemoverlocomotive
Inherited Hypernyms:travel
Direct Hyponyms:accompanyadvanceangleariseascendautomobilebackbangbe adriftbeetlebelt alongbetake oneselfbillowblowbouncebreezebucket alongcannonball alongcaravancareercarrycastchangecirclecircuitcirculatecomecome downcome upcontinuecrankcrawlcreepcruisederaildescenddodragdrawdraw backdriftdriveeaseerrfallferryfloatflockflyfollowforgeget aboutget aroundghostglidego aroundgo bygo downgo forwardgo ongo pastgo uphastenhiehisshotfoothurryhurtleisland hopjouncejourneyjumplanceleadliftlurchmarch onmeandermotormove aroundmove backmove onmove upoutflankoverflypacepanpasspass bypass onpass overpelt alongplayploughplowpranceprecedeprecessproceedprogresspropagatepull awaypull backpursuepushraceraftramblerangerecederepairresortretireretreatretrogradereturnrideriseroamrollroundroverunrushrush alongscrambleseekshackshuttlesiftsitskislice intoslice throughslideslithersnowshoespeedspirtspreadspurtsteamsteamerstepstep on itstraysurpassswanswapswashswimswingtake the airtaxithreadtrailtramtramptransfertraveltravel alongtravel bytravel purposefullytravel rapidlytreadtrundleturnuprisevagabondwalkwanderweavewendwheelwhinewhishwhiskwhistlewhooshwindwingwithdrawzigzagzipzoom
Full Troponyms:accompanyaddressadvancealightambleambulateangleapproachaquaplaneascendautomobileavalanchebackback outback upbackpackbackpedalbackstrokebacktrackbangbargebathebear down onbeatbeetlebelly-flopbetake oneselfbicyclebillowboatbobsledbody-surfboomerangbouncebowlbreak throughbreaststrokebreezebridgebubblebubble upbuoybusbushwhackbutterflybuzzcanoecantercaravancareercarrycascadechandellechaperonechariotchasechutecirclecircuitcirculatecircumambulatecircumnavigateclawclearclimbcloseclose incloudclumpcoastcocooncomecongratulateconstitutionalizeconvoycountermarchcoursecrabcrashcrash-divecrawlcreep upcrisscrosscruisecurtsycutcut backcut incyclecycle ondartdebouchdeclinederaildescenddipdismissdivedodogsleddragdrawdraw awaydriftdripdrivedrive updropdrownduckeaseebbedgeedge inelapseemanateemergeencroachescaladeescortfallfall backfeatherferretferryfigure skatefilefinflightflitfloatflockflopflounceflow outflumpflyfly byfly onfollowfootfordforgeformicatefounderfreewheelfrogmarchfumblegallivantgallopget aroundget byget onghostglidego aroundgo homego upgoose stepgreethailharehauntheadheelhikehisshithitchhikehomehophot-doghoundhoverhurtleice skateinfiltrateisland hopitineratejackknifejaywalkjibejogjostlejoyridekayakkeel overlaglanceleadlimplocklolloplooplopelufflumberlurchmakemarchmaundermincemotorbikemotorboatmountaineermusclenegotiatenosediveorboutflankoutpointoutrideoutrunoverridepacepaddlepanparadepasspass overpenetrateperambulatepiggybackpitchplaneplayplopplowplummetplungepoisepostpouncepower-divepranceprecedeprecessprecipitatepress onproceedprolapsepromenadepropagateprowlpuddlepullpursuepushquestrackraftramprappelratchetred-eyerepairresurfaceresurrectretreatretrogradereturnrevisitrevolve aroundrideride herdride horsebackripriseroarrocketrollroller skaterollerbladeromproundrowrunrun basesrun byrun downrushsafeguardsailsalaamsalutesay farewellscalescendschoolschussscramblescudscuffscullscurryseeseeksetshadowshake handsshipshuffleshuttleside-slipsiftsingle-footsinkskateskateboardskiskidskin-diveskinny-dipskirtskitterskulksky diveslalomsledsleepwalkslice intoslinkslitherslogslouchsnakesneaksnorkelsnowboardsnowmobilesnowshoesoarspacewalkspeedspread-eaglesprintsqueak bysquelchsquirestaggerstalksteamsteamerstepstep onstompstoogestoopstraystreakstreamstridestringstrokestrollstumblesubmarinesubmergesubsidesurfacesurfboardswapswashswimswingtacktag alongtailgatetaketaptaxitearthrashtidetiptoetittuptoboggantoddletoetracetrailtraintraipsetramtramptramp downtransfertransgresstransittraveltravel bytravel purposefullytravel rapidlytraversetreadtreadletreetrolltrooptrottrundletubetumbleturnunhorseunicycleupliftuprisewadewaftwalkwanderwater skiwear shipweatherweavewedelwelcomewellwendwheelwhinewhishwhiskwhistlewindsurfwishwithdrawyachtzigzagzip byzoom
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | They --- the countryside (apply to: travel) | The cars --- down the avenue (apply to: move) | They --- in the countryside (apply to: travel) | The children --- to the playground (apply to: go)
vverb.socialfollow a procedure or take a courseSynset:go move proceed
Examples:- We should go farther in this matter
- She went through a lot of trouble
- go about the world in a certain manner
- Messages must go through diplomatic channels
Derivationally Related Form:proceedingprocedureproceedings
Hypernyms:act move
Inherited Hypernyms:goact
Direct Hyponyms:embarksteamrollsteamrollerventurework
Full Troponyms:steamrollerventurework
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | Something ---s Adjective/Noun | Somebody ---s Adjective
vverb.motionmove away from a place into another directionSynset:depart go go away
Examples:- Go away before I start to cry
- The train departs at noon
Derivationally Related Form:goerdeparturegoingdeparter
Hypernyms:exit get out go out leave
Inherited Hypernyms:goexitmove
Direct Hyponyms:blowshove alongshove off
Full Troponyms:shove off
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.changeenter or assume a certain state or conditionSynset:become get go
Examples:- He became annoyed when he heard the bad news
- It must be getting more serious
- her face went red with anger
- She went into ecstasy
- Get going!
Hypernyms:change state turn
Inherited Hypernyms:becomechange statechange
Direct Hyponyms:breakrunsettlesobersober uptaketake effectwork
Full Troponyms:breakrunsettlesober uptaketake effectwork
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | Something ---s Adjective/Noun | Somebody ---s Adjective | John will --- angry (apply to: become, get) | Water and oil --- into the bowl (apply to: go)
vverb.stativebe awarded; be allottedExamples:- The first prize goes to Mary
- Her money went on clothes
Inherited Hypernyms:go
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.stativehave a particular formSynset:go run
Examples:- the story or argument runs as follows
- as the saying goes...
Inherited Hypernyms:runbe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.stativestretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain pointSynset:extend go lead pass run
Examples:- Service runs all the way to Cranbury
- His knowledge doesn't go very far
- My memory extends back to my fourth year of life
- The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets
Derivationally Related Form:extent
Inherited Hypernyms:runbe
Direct Hyponyms:comego deepgo farradiaterayunderrun
Full Troponyms:comego farradiateunderrun
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP
vverb.changefollow a certain courseSynset:go proceed
Examples:- The inauguration went well
- how did your interview go?
Hypernyms:come about fall out go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place
Inherited Hypernyms:proceedhappen
Direct Hyponyms:comedodragdrag ondrag outfareget alongmake out
Full Troponyms:dodrag
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something ---s Adjective/Noun
vverb.changebe abolished or discardedExamples:- These ugly billboards have to go!
- These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge
Hypernyms:disappear go away vanish
Inherited Hypernyms:godisappear
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.stativebe or continue to be in a certain conditionExamples:- The children went hungry that day
Inherited Hypernyms:gobe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s Adjective/Noun | Somebody ---s Adjective
vverb.perceptionmake a certain noise or soundSynset:go sound
Examples:- She went 'Mmmmm'
- The gun went 'bang'
Derivationally Related Form:sound
Hypernyms:cause to be perceived
Inherited Hypernyms:soundcause to be perceived
Direct Hyponyms:babblebangbeatbeepbirrblarebleepblowbombilatebombinateboomboom outbubbleburblebuzzchatterchimechinkchugclangclangorclangourclankclaxonclickclinkclopclumpclunkcrackcrashdindronedrumechogluggrumblegugglegurglehonkhumknocklapmake noisenoisepatterpealpingpinkpitter-patterplunkpoppurrraprattleresonateresoundreverberateringripplerollrumblerustlesingskirlsloshslushsnapsnarlsplashsplatsploshsquelchswishswooshswoshtapthrumthudthumptickticktackticktocktingtinktinkletoottrumptwangtweettwirpvibratewhirwhirrwhishwhistlewhizwhizz
Full Troponyms:backfirebangblastbleepblowbongboombuzzchatterchimechugclangclangorclankclatterclickclopconsonatecrackcrashcrepitatecrumpcrunchdingdronedrown outdrumgluggugglegurglehonkhumjingleknelllapmake noisepatterpealpingpinkpoppurrracketrattlereechoresonateresoundringring outrippleroarrollrucklerumblerustlescreamsizzleskirlsnapsnarlsoughsplashsplatsputtersquelchstridulatetapthudthunderticktingtinkletintinnabulatetootletrumptwangtweetvroomwhinewhishwhistlewhizzyawp
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Something ---s Adjective/Noun | Somebody ---s Adjective | The woods --- with many kinds of birds (apply to: sound)
vverb.contactperform as expected when appliedSynset:function go operate run work
Examples:- The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in
- Does this old car still run well?
- This old radio doesn't work anymore
Derivationally Related Form:operationoperantoperativefunctioning
Inherited Hypernyms:function
Direct Hyponyms:cutdoublerollrunserveservice
Full Troponyms:cutdoublerollrunservice
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | These cars won't --- (apply to: function, run, operate, go, work)
vverb.consumptionto be spent or finishedSynset:go run low run short
Examples:- The money had gone after a few days
- Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest
Hypernyms:cease end finish stop terminate
Inherited Hypernyms:run lowend
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changeprogress by being changedSynset:go move run
Examples:- The speech has to go through several more drafts
- run through your presentation before the meeting
Derivationally Related Form:run
Inherited Hypernyms:movechange
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.stativecontinue to live and avoid dyingSynset:endure go hold out hold up last live live on survive
Examples:- We went without water and food for 3 days
- These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America
- The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents
- how long can a person last without food and water?" "One crash victim died, the other lived
Derivationally Related Form:endurancesurvival
Inherited Hypernyms:survive
Direct Hyponyms:hold uphold waterlive outperennatestand up
Entailment:be live
Full Troponyms:live outperennatestand up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Somebody ---s | The business is going to --- (apply to: live, hold out, live on, survive, last, hold up)
vverb.stativepass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or actionExamples:- How is it going?
- The day went well until I got your call
Derivationally Related Form:going
Inherited Hypernyms:go
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.changepass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain lifeSynset:buy the farm cash in one's chips choke conk croak decease die drop dead exit expire give-up the ghost go kick the bucket pass pass away perish pop off snuff it
Examples:- She died from cancer
- The children perished in the fire
- The patient went peacefully
- The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102
Antonyms:be born
Derivationally Related Form:deathexitexpirationDeathdeceasepassinggoingdecedent
Hypernyms:change state turn
Inherited Hypernyms:diechange statechange
Direct Hyponyms:abortasphyxiatebuy itdrownfallfamishpip outpredeceasestarvestiflesuccumbsuffocateyield
Full Troponyms:abortbuy itdrownfallpredeceasestarvestranglesuccumbsuffocate
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.stativebe in the right place or situationSynset:belong go
Examples:- Where do these books belong?
- Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government
- Where do these books go?
Inherited Hypernyms:belongbe
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | The chairs --- in the corner (apply to: belong, go)
vverb.stativebe ranked or compareExamples:- This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go
Inherited Hypernyms:gocomparebe
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.motionbegin or set in motionSynset:get going go start
Examples:- I start at eight in the morning
- Ready, set, go!
Inherited Hypernyms:start
Direct Hyponyms:come oncome upget off the groundgo ontake off
Full Troponyms:get off the groundgo on
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.competitionhave a turn; make one's move in a gameSynset:go move
Derivationally Related Form:movego
Inherited Hypernyms:move
Direct Hyponyms:bluffbluff outcastcastlecheckdrawmaneuvermanoeuvermanoeuvreopenoperateruffservestalematetrump
Full Troponyms:acebluffcastlecheckcrossruffdrawjockeymanoeuveropenovertrumpservestalematetrump
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: move, go)
vverb.stativebe contained inExamples:- How many times does 18 go into 54?
Inherited Hypernyms:go
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.stativebe sounded, played, or expressedExamples:- How does this song go again?
Inherited Hypernyms:go
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.stativeblend or harmonizeSynset:blend blend in go
Examples:- This flavor will blend with those in your dish
- This sofa won't go with the chairs
Hypernyms:accord agree concord consort fit in harmonise harmonize
Inherited Hypernyms:blendharmonizematchequal
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP
vverb.stativelead, extend, or afford accessSynset:go lead
Examples:- This door goes to the basement
- The road runs South
Inherited Hypernyms:gobe
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP
vverb.stativebe the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desiredSynset:fit go
Examples:- This piece won't fit into the puzzle
Derivationally Related Form:fitfitting
Inherited Hypernyms:fitfitbe
Direct Hyponyms:jointtessellate
Full Troponyms:jointtessellate
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | These cars won't --- (apply to: fit)
vverb.contactgo through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized waySynset:go rifle
Examples:- Who rifled through my desk drawers?
Inherited Hypernyms:riflesearchexamine
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP | The men --- for animals in the area (apply to: rifle) | The men --- the area for animals (apply to: rifle)
vverb.consumptionbe spentExamples:- All my money went for food and rent
Inherited Hypernyms:go
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP
vverb.cognitiongive support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or numberSynset:go plump
Examples:- I plumped for the losing candidates
Hypernyms:choose pick out select take
Inherited Hypernyms:plumpchoosedecide
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.changestop operating or functioningSynset:break break down conk out die fail give out give way go go bad
Examples:- The engine finally went
- The car died on the road
- The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town
- The coffee maker broke
- The engine failed on the way to town
- her eyesight went after the accident
Derivationally Related Form:breakablefailurebreakdown
Inherited Hypernyms:failchange
Direct Hyponyms:blowblow outburn outcrashgo downmalfunctionmisfiremisfunction
Full Troponyms:blow outcrashjammalfunctionmisfire
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | These cars won't --- (apply to: conk out, go, break, give out, fail, break down, die)
adj satadj.alldestroyed or killedDomain Usage:colloquialism
Synset:done for kaput
Inherited Hypernyms:done for
Similar to:destroyed
adj satadj.alldeadDomain Usage:euphemism
Synset:asleep at peace at rest deceased departed
Examples:- he is deceased
- our dear departed friend
Derivationally Related Form:departed
Inherited Hypernyms:asleep
Similar to:dead
adj satadj.allwell in the past; formerSynset:bygone bypast departed foregone
Examples:- bygone days
- dreams of foregone times
- sweet memories of gone summers
- relics of a departed era
Derivationally Related Form:bygone
Inherited Hypernyms:bygone
Similar to:past
adjadj.allstupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)Synset:drunk inebriated intoxicated ripped
Examples:- a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors
- helplessly inebriated
Derivationally Related Form:drunk
Inherited Hypernyms:intoxicated
Similar to:bacchanal bacchanalian bacchic carousing orgiastic beery besotted blind drunk blotto cockeyed crocked fuddled loaded pie-eyed pissed pixilated plastered slopped sloshed smashed soaked soused sozzled squiffy stiff tight wet bibulous boozy drunken sottish doped drugged narcotised narcotized half-seas-over high mellow hopped-up stoned potty tiddly tipsy
adj satadj.alldrained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhaustedSynset:dog-tired exhausted fagged fatigued played out spent washed-out worn-out worn out
Examples:- the day's shopping left her exhausted
- he went to bed dog-tired
- was fagged and sweaty
- the trembling of his played out limbs
- felt completely washed-out
- only worn-out horses and cattle
- you look worn out
Inherited Hypernyms:exhausted
Similar to:tired
adj satadj.allused up or no longer availableExamples:- gone with the wind
- if we don't get there early, all the best seats will be gone
Inherited Hypernyms:gone
Similar to:unavailable