nnoun.foodAtlantic coast round clams with hard shells; large clams usually used for chowders or other clam dishesSynset:quahaug quahog round clam
Part Holonyms:Mercenaria mercenaria Venus mercenaria hard-shell clam hard clam quahaug quahog round clam
Inherited Hypernyms:quahaugclamshellfishseafoodfoodsolidmatterphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:cherrystonecherrystone clamlittlenecklittleneck clam
Full Hyponyms:cherrystonelittleneck
nnoun.animalan edible American clam; the heavy shells were used as money by some American IndiansSynset:Mercenaria mercenaria Venus mercenaria hard clam quahaug quahog round clam
Member Holonyms:Venus genus Venus
Inherited Hypernyms:quahogclambivalvemolluskinvertebrateanimalorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:cherrystonecherrystone clamlittlenecklittleneck clam
Part Meronyms:hard-shell clam quahaug quahog round clam
Full Hyponyms:cherrystonelittleneck