nnoun.communicationa cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics; used especially by the priestsSynset:hieratic script
Derivationally Related Form:hieratic
Hypernyms:hieroglyph hieroglyphic
Inherited Hypernyms:hieratichieroglyphorthographywritingwritten communicationcommunicationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:DemoticDemotic script
adjadj.pertassociated with the priesthood or priestsSynset:hieratical priestly sacerdotal
Examples:- priestly (or sacerdotal) vestments
- hieratic gestures
Inherited Hypernyms:priestly
adjadj.pertwritten or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writingDerivationally Related Form:hieratic
Inherited Hypernyms:hieratic
adj satadj.alladhering to fixed types or methods; highly restrained and formalTopic:beaux artsfine arts
Examples:- the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved
Inherited Hypernyms:hieratic
Similar to:nonrepresentational