adj satadj.alllocated inwardSynset:interior internal
Examples:- Beethoven's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle - Leonard Bernstein
- she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it - David Denby
- an internal sense of rightousness - A.R.Gurney,Jr.
Inherited Hypernyms:inner
Similar to:inward
adjadj.alllocated or occurring within or closer to a centerAttributes:position spatial relation
Inherited Hypernyms:inner
Similar to:inmost innermost inside
See also:central
adj satadj.allinnermost or essentialSynset:internal intimate
Examples:- the inner logic of Cubism
- the internal contradictions of the theory
- the intimate structure of matter
Inherited Hypernyms:inner
Similar to:intrinsic intrinsical
adj satadj.allconfined to an exclusive groupSynset:inside privileged
Examples:- privy to inner knowledge
- inside information
- privileged information
Inherited Hypernyms:inside
Similar to:exclusive
adj satadj.allexclusive to a center; especially a center of influenceExamples:- inner regions of the organization
- inner circles of government
Inherited Hypernyms:inner
Similar to:exclusive
adj satadj.allinside or closer to the inside of the bodyTopic:anatomygeneral anatomy
Inherited Hypernyms:inner
Similar to:internal