Synset:learn teach
- I taught them French
- He instructed me in building a boat
Derivationally Related Form:teachinginstructorinstructionteachableinstructiveteacher
Inherited Hypernyms:teachinformcommunicateinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:catechisecatechizecoachconditiondevelopdrilledifyeducateenlightengroundindoctrinateinductlecturementorpreparereinforcerewardspoonfeedtalktraintutorunteach
Causes:acquire larn learn
Full Troponyms:brainwashcatechizecoachconditiondindrillenlightenevangelizegroundhammer inhousebreakinculcateindoctrinateinductlecturementorpreachreinforceretrainrevolutionizespoonfeedtoilet-traintraintutorunteach
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE | Somebody ---s (apply to: teach) | Somebody ---s somebody something (apply to: teach) | Somebody ---s something to somebody (apply to: teach) | The parents --- a French poem to the children (apply to: teach) | The parents --- the children a French poem (apply to: teach)