nnoun.eventan event that occurs at a critical timeSynset:occasion
Examples:- at such junctures he always had an impulse to leave
- it was needed only on special occasions
Hypernyms:happening natural event occurrence occurrent
Inherited Hypernyms:juncturehappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:climaxconjuncturecrisisflood tideheadlandmarkmilestonepassreality checkstraitsturning pointwatershed
Full Hyponyms:climaxconjuncturecrisisemergencyfall of manlandmarkmilestonepassreality checkroad to damascus
nnoun.statea crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be madeSynset:critical point crossroads
Examples:- at that juncture he had no idea what to do
- he must be made to realize that the company stands at a critical point
Inherited Hypernyms:juncturecrisissituationdifficultyconditionstateattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:criticality
Full Hyponyms:criticalityflash point
nnoun.shapethe shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is madeSynset:articulation join joint junction
Derivationally Related Form:articulatejoinjoint
Hypernyms:connection connexion link
Inherited Hypernyms:articulationconnectionshapeattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:esophagogastric junctionoesophagogastric junction
Full Hyponyms:esophagogastric junction