adj satadj.allmaking great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believeSynset:baffling elusive problematic problematical tough
Examples:- a baffling problem
- I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast
- a problematic situation at home
Derivationally Related Form:knottinessproblemtoughness
Inherited Hypernyms:baffling
Similar to:difficult hard
adj satadj.allused of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knotsSynset:gnarled gnarly knobbed knotted
Examples:- gnarled and knotted hands
- a knobbed stick
Derivationally Related Form:gnarl
Inherited Hypernyms:gnarled
Similar to:crooked
adj satadj.allhighly complex or intricate and occasionally deviousSynset:Byzantine convoluted involved tangled tortuous
Examples:- the Byzantine tax structure
- Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship
- convoluted legal language
- convoluted reasoning
- the plot was too involved
- a knotty problem
- got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering
- Oh, what a tangled web we weave - Sir Walter Scott
- tortuous legal procedures
- tortuous negotiations lasting for months
Derivationally Related Form:knottinesstortuousness
Inherited Hypernyms:byzantine
Similar to:complex
adj satadj.alltangled in knots or snarlsSynset:snarled snarly
Examples:- a mass of knotted string
- snarled thread
Derivationally Related Form:knotsnarl
Inherited Hypernyms:knotty
Similar to:tangled