

单词 law of nature
Law Of Nature
nnoun.cognitiona generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature
  • the laws of thermodynamics
Part Holonyms:theory
Hypernyms:concept conception construct
Inherited Hypernyms:lawconceptideacontentcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:Archimedes' principleAvogadro's hypothesisAvogadro's lawBenford's lawBernoulli's lawBose-Einstein statisticsBoyle's lawCharles's lawCoulomb's LawDalton's lawDalton's law of partial pressuresFechner's lawFermi-Dirac statisticsGay-Lussac's lawHenry's lawHooke's lawHubble's lawHubble lawKepler's lawKepler's law of planetary motionKirchhoff's lawsMariotte's lawMendel's lawMendeleev's lawNewton's lawNewton's law of gravitationNewton's law of motionOhm's lawPascal's lawPascal's law of fluid pressuresPauli exclusion principlePlanck's lawPlanck's radiation lawStevens' lawStevens' power lawWeber's lawWeber-Fechner lawall-or-none lawdistribution lawequilibrium lawexclusion principlelaw of Archimedeslaw of averageslaw of chemical equilibriumlaw of constant proportionlaw of definite proportionslaw of diminishing returnslaw of effectlaw of equivalent proportionslaw of gravitationlaw of large numberslaw of mass actionlaw of motionlaw of multiple proportionslaw of partial pressureslaw of reciprocal proportionslaw of thermodynamicslaw of volumesperiodic lawpower lawprincipleprinciple of relativityrule
Full Hyponyms:
all-or-none lawarchimedes' principleavogadro's lawbenford's lawbernoulli's lawbose-einstein statisticsboyle's lawclosurecommon fateconservation of energycoulomb's lawdalton's lawdistribution lawequilibrium lawfechner's lawfermi-dirac statisticsfirst law of motiongay-lussac's lawgestalt law of organizationgood continuationgresham's lawhenry's lawhooke's lawhubble's lawkepler's first lawkepler's lawkepler's second lawkepler's third lawkirchhoff's lawslateralizationlaw of averageslaw of constant proportionlaw of diminishing returnslaw of effectlaw of equivalent proportionslaw of gravitationlaw of independent assortmentlaw of mass actionlaw of multiple proportionslaw of segregationlaw of thermodynamicsle chatelier's principlelocalization of functionmass-action principlemass-energy equivalencemaxwell-boltzmann distribution lawmendel's lawnaegele's rulenewton's law of motionoccam's razorohm's lawpascal's lawpauli exclusion principleperiodic lawplanck's lawplanck's radiation lawprincipleprinciple of equivalenceprinciple of liquid displacementprinciple of relativityprinciple of superpositionproximitysecond law of motionsecond law of thermodynamicssimilaritystevens' lawthird law of motionthird law of thermodynamicsweber's lawzeroth law of thermodynamics




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