nnoun.cognitionan influence that works subtly to lighten or modify somethingSynset:leaven
Examples:- his sermons benefited from a leavening of humor
Inherited Hypernyms:leavenimponderableinfluencedeterminantcognitive factorcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.substancea substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquidSynset:leaven
Derivationally Related Form:leaven
Inherited Hypernyms:leavensubstancematterphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:baking powderbarmsourdoughyeast
Full Hyponyms:baking powderbottom fermenting yeastbrewer's yeastmothersourdoughtop fermenting yeastyeastyeast cake
vverb.motioncause to puff up with a leavenSynset:leaven prove raise
Derivationally Related Form:leaven
Hypernyms:bring up elevate get up lift raise
Inherited Hypernyms:raiseraisemove
Causes:prove rise
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | They --- more bread (apply to: raise, prove, leaven)