- she stood on the left
Hypernyms:place position
Inherited Hypernyms:leftpositionpointlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:left stagestage left
Full Hyponyms:
stage left
单词 | left |
释义 | Left nnoun.locationlocation near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east Examples:
Antonyms:right Hypernyms:place position Inherited Hypernyms:leftpositionpointlocationobjectphysical entityentity Direct Hyponyms:left stagestage left Full Hyponyms: stage left nnoun.groupthose who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare Synset:left wing Derivationally Related Form:collectivist Hypernyms:faction sect Inherited Hypernyms:leftfactioncliquesetsocial groupgroupabstractionentity nnoun.bodythe hand that is on the left side of the body Synset:left hand Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:lefthander Hypernyms:hand manus mitt paw Inherited Hypernyms:lefthandextremityexternal body partbody partpartthingphysical entityentity nnoun.artifactthe piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left Synset:left field leftfield Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:left fielder Part Holonyms:outfield Hypernyms:parcel parcel of land piece of ground piece of land tract Inherited Hypernyms:left fieldtractgeographical arearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity nnoun.acta turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east Examples:
Hypernyms:turn turning Inherited Hypernyms:leftturnchange of coursechange of directionchangeactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity vverb.motiongo away from a place Synset:go away go forth leave Examples:
Antonyms:arrive Derivationally Related Form:leaveleaver Inherited Hypernyms:leave Direct Hyponyms:abandonbeetle offboltbolt outbreak awaybugger offbunkbuzz offcome awaydecampdepartdesertemptyescapefly the coopfuck offgetget outgo outhead for the hillshightail itlamlingerpartpop offpull outquitride awayride offrunrun awayrun offrun outrush awayrush offscarperscatscramset forthset offset outskipslip awaysneak awaysneak offsneak outstartstart outsteal awaytake leavetake offtake to the woodstarryturn tailvacatevamoosewalk awaywalk offwalk out Full Troponyms:abscondbeat a retreatblazebreakcome awaycongeedatedecampdefectdepartdesertdouble-dateelopeeludeescapeexfiltratefleego outhigh-taillevantplump outpop offpull outratride offroar offrun awayrun offrush offsally forthscatscramshakeskedaddleslipslip awaystampedetake offtarryvacatewalk offwalk outwalk out of Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | John will --- angry (apply to: leave) | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: go away) vverb.cognitiongo and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:leave Inherited Hypernyms:leave Direct Hyponyms:abandondesertdesolateforsakejilt Full Troponyms:abandonditchexposejiltmaroonwalk out Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | They --- the people the food (apply to: leave) | They --- the money in the closet (apply to: leave) vverb.stativeact or be so as to become in a specified state Examples:
Hypernyms:get make Inherited Hypernyms:leavemakechange Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something Adjective/Noun vverb.changeleave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking Synset:leave leave alone leave behind let alone Examples:
Hypernyms:forbear refrain Inherited Hypernyms:leaverefrain Direct Hyponyms:let Full Troponyms:let Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something vverb.motionmove out of or depart from Synset:exit get out go out leave Examples:
Antonyms:enter Derivationally Related Form:leaveexit Hypernyms:move Inherited Hypernyms:exitmove Direct Hyponyms:departejectfall outfile outget offgogo awayhop outlog offlog outpop outstep outundock Full Troponyms:deplanedetrainejectfall outfile outget offgohop outlog outpop outshove offstep outundock Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Something ---s something | The men --- the boat (apply to: leave, exit) vverb.stativemake a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain Synset:allow allow for leave provide Examples:
Hypernyms:afford give yield Inherited Hypernyms:leaveyieldsupplygivetransfer Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: provide) vverb.stativeproduce as a result or residue Synset:lead leave result Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:resultantresult Hypernyms:bring about give rise produce Inherited Hypernyms:leaveproducemake Direct Hyponyms:lead Full Troponyms:entailleadnecessitate Sentence Frame:Something ---s something vverb.socialremove oneself from an association with or participation in Synset:depart leave pull up stakes Examples:
Hypernyms:change Inherited Hypernyms:leavechange Direct Hyponyms:drop outleave officequitresignstep down Full Troponyms:abdicatebow outdrop outfallleave officeretiresuperannuatetop outvacate Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s | They --- the countryside (apply to: leave) vverb.possessionput into the care or protection of someone Synset:entrust leave Examples:
Hypernyms:give hand pass pass on reach turn over Inherited Hypernyms:entrustpasstransfer Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something to somebody | They --- the money to them (apply to: leave, entrust) | They --- them the money (apply to: leave, entrust) vverb.possessionleave or give by will after one's death Synset:bequeath leave will Examples:
Antonyms:disinherit Derivationally Related Form:will Hypernyms:gift give present Inherited Hypernyms:bequeathgive Direct Hyponyms:deviseentailfee-tailpass onremember Full Troponyms:devisefee-tailhand downpass onpropagateremember Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody something | Somebody ---s something to somebody | They --- the money to them (apply to: bequeath, will, leave) | They --- them the money (apply to: bequeath, will, leave) vverb.stativehave left or have as a remainder Examples:
Hypernyms:have Inherited Hypernyms:leavehave Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something vverb.changebe survived by after one's death Synset:leave leave behind Examples:
Inherited Hypernyms:leave Direct Hyponyms:widow Entailment:buy the farm cash in one's chips choke conk croak decease die drop dead exit expire give-up the ghost go kick the bucket pass away pass perish pop off snuff it Full Troponyms:widow Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: leave) vverb.possessiontransmit (knowledge or skills) Synset:give impart leave pass on Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:impartinggivingimpartation Hypernyms:tell Inherited Hypernyms:imparttellinformcommunicateinteractact Direct Hyponyms:convey Full Troponyms:acknowledgeaimalludeappreciateaskbackgroundbeambear downbodybreathebring outburst outclue inconnoteconveydogmatizedrivedrive homeembodyexemplifyexpressexudeflashforegroundformularizeframegivegive voicehintimplyincriminateintimatelexicalizelookmake outmeanmenacepick uppoint uppresupposeraisere-emphasiserip outsaysignifysmacksmilesneersoft-pedalspellstresssuggestthanktopicalizetypifyunderscoreventwave off Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something to somebody | They won't --- the story (apply to: pass on) vverb.cognitionleave behind unintentionally Synset:forget leave Examples:
Hypernyms:lose Inherited Hypernyms:forgetlose Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s something PP | They --- the money in the closet (apply to: forget, leave) adjadj.allbeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north Attributes:place position Examples:
Antonyms:right Inherited Hypernyms:left Similar to:left-hand leftmost near nigh larboard port See also:left-handed adj satadj.allnot used up Synset:left over leftover odd remaining unexpended Examples:
Antonyms:exhausted Inherited Hypernyms:leftover Similar to:unexhausted adj satadj.allintended for the left hand Synset:left-hand Examples:
Antonyms:ambidextrousright-handed Inherited Hypernyms:left Similar to:left-handed adjadj.allof or belonging to the political or intellectual left Antonyms:centerright Inherited Hypernyms:left Similar to:far left leftish left-of-center left-wing leftist liberal See also:liberal socialist socialistic advadv.alltoward or on the left; also used figuratively Examples:
Antonyms:right Inherited Hypernyms:left |
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