

单词 mustard tree
Mustard Tree
nnoun.plantevergreen South American shrub naturalized in United States; occasionally responsible for poisoning livestock
Synset:Nicotiana glauca tree tobacco
Hypernyms:tobacco tobacco plant
Inherited Hypernyms:tree tobaccotobaccoherbvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.plantglabrous or pubescent evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Salvadora; twigs are fibrous and in some parts of the world are bound together in clusters and used as a toothbrush; shoots are used as camel fodder; plant ash provides salt
Synset:Salvadora persica toothbrush tree
Member Holonyms:Salvadora genus Salvadora
Hypernyms:fruit tree
Inherited Hypernyms:toothbrush treefruit treeangiospermous treetreewoody plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity




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