nnoun.statean acute infectious disease occurring in epidemic form and featuring paroxysms of pain (usually in the chest)Synset:Bornholm disease diaphragmatic pleurisy epidemic myalgia epidemic pleurodynia
Hypernyms:epidemic disease
Inherited Hypernyms:epidemic pleurodyniaepidemic diseaseinfectious diseasecommunicable diseasediseaseillnessill healthpathological statephysical conditionconditionstateattributeabstractionentity
nnoun.actreflex contraction of the sphincter muscle of the iris in response to a bright light (or certain drugs) causing the pupil to become smallerSynset:light reflex miosis pupillary reflex
Derivationally Related Form:mioticmyotic
Hypernyms:inborn reflex innate reflex instinctive reflex physiological reaction reflex reflex action reflex response unconditioned reflex
Inherited Hypernyms:light reflexreflexreactionbodily processorganic processprocessphysical entityentity