

单词 mythical being
Mythical Being
nnoun.personan imaginary being of myth or fable
Hypernyms:imaginary being imaginary creature
Inherited Hypernyms:mythical beingimaginary beingimaginationcreativityabilitycognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:AmazonGog and Magoggolemhalcyonherohourimythical creaturemythical monsterphoenix
Instance Hyponyms:Achilles Aegisthus Aeneas Agamemnon Ajax Alcyone Halcyon Andromeda Antigone Arjuna Atreus Augeas Bellerophon Cassiopeia Cepheus Clytemnestra Creon Daedal Daedalus Dardanus Electra Enkidu Eurydice Fenrir Galatea Ganymede Gilgamish Hector Helen Helen of Troy Alcides Heracles Herakles Hercules Hero Hyperborean Icarus Iphigenia Jason Jocasta Laertes Laius Laocoon Leander Leda Medea Menelaus Midas Myrmidon Narcissus Nibelung Niobe Odysseus King Oedipus Oedipus Oedipus Rex Orestes Orion Orpheus Pandora Paris Patroclus Pegasus Peleus Penelope Perseus Priam Procrustes Psyche Pygmalion Remus Romulus Sarpedon Scylla Siegfried Sigurd Sisyphus Sita Stentor Tantalus Theseus Tiresias Ulysses Valkyrie Volund Wayland Wayland the Smith Wieland Ygdrasil Yggdrasil Ymir
Full Hyponyms:
abominable snowmanamazonamphisbaenabasiliskcentaurcerberuschimerachironcockatricedoppelgangerdragoneuryalegeryongog and magoggolemgorgongryphonhalcyonharpyherohourihydralegendary creatureleviathanmanticoremedusaminotaurmythical monsternemean lionphoenixrocsalamandersea serpentsphinxsthenotrolltyphoeustyphonwerewolfwyvern




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