nnoun.substancea soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull greySynset:Pb atomic number 82 lead
Examples:- the children were playing with lead soldiers
Substance Holonyms:cerussite white lead ore galena
Hypernyms:metal metallic element
Inherited Hypernyms:leadmetallic elementchemical elementsubstancematterphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:leadmetallic elementchemical elementsubstancepartrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:antimonial leadhard leadpig lead
Full Hyponyms:grid metalhard leadpig lead
nnoun.quantitya unit of information equal to 1000 terabits or 10^15 bitsSynset:Pb Pbit petabit
Part Holonyms:Eb Ebit exabit
Hypernyms:computer memory unit
Inherited Hypernyms:petabitcomputer memory unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Part Meronyms:Tb Tbit terabit
nnoun.quantitya unit of information equal to 1000 terabytes or 10^15 bytesSynset:PB petabyte
Part Holonyms:EB exabyte
Hypernyms:computer memory unit
Inherited Hypernyms:petabytecomputer memory unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Part Meronyms:TB terabyte
nnoun.quantitya unit of information equal to 1024 tebibytes or 2^50 bytesSynset:PB PiB pebibyte petabyte
Part Holonyms:EB EiB exabyte exbibyte
Hypernyms:computer memory unit
Inherited Hypernyms:petabytecomputer memory unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Part Meronyms:TB TiB tebibyte terabyte