

单词 localised

local /lōˈkl/

  1. Relating to position in space
  2. Of or belonging to a place
  3. Confined to a place or places
  4. Concerned with a particular place or area
  5. (of a bus or train) serving the community of a particular area, stopping at every stop
  1. A person belonging to a particular place, an inhabitant
  2. One's nearest pub
  3. An examination (US)
  4. A local anaesthetic (qv below)
  5. A local bus or train
  6. A trade union branch (US)
  7. A news item of local interest (N Am press)
  8. A place
ORIGIN: L locālis, from locus a place

loˈcalism noun

  1. The state of being local
  2. Affection for a place
  3. Provincialism
  4. The policy of allowing decisions to be made at a local level

loˈcalist noun

Someone preoccupied with local concerns (also adjective)

locality /lō-kalˈi-ti/ noun

  1. Place
  2. Position
  3. District

loˈcalīzable or loˈcalīsable adjective

localīzaˈtion or localīsaˈtion noun

loˈcalize or loˈcalise transitive verb

To assign or limit to a place

loˈcalizer or loˈcaliser noun

Something that localizes, esp a radio transmitter used in effecting a blind landing (also adjective as in localizer beam, etc)

loˈcally adverb

loˈcalness noun

local action noun (law)

A legal action that relates to a specific place and must be brought there

local anaesthesia noun

Anaesthesia affecting only a restricted area of the body

local anaesthetic noun

A solution for injecting into any part of the body to anaesthetize it, or an injection of this

local area network noun (computing)

A computer network operating over a small area such as an office or group of offices, in which a high rate of data transfer is possible (abbrev LAN)

local authority noun

The elected body for local government, eg town council, county council

local call noun

  1. A telephone call made to another number on the same exchange or group of exchanges
  2. A call made within a certain radius (less than 56km)

local colour noun

  1. Faithful, characteristic details of particular scenery, manners, etc, giving verisimilitude in works of art and fiction
  2. Colour of individual items as apart from the general colour scheme in a picture

local education authority noun

The department of a local authority which administers state education (abbrev LEA)

local examinations plural noun

Examinations of school pupils held in various local centres by universities

local government noun

  1. Self-administration (in local affairs) by towns, counties, etc, as opposed to national or central government
  2. A local authority (US)

Local Group noun (astronomy)

The family of galaxies to which our own Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy belong

local loop noun

In a telecommunications system, a pair of wires connecting the customer's premises with the local exchange that serves it

local management of schools noun

A system of school management in which the governors and head teacher of a state school are allocated a budget by a local authority

local option noun

The right of a town or district to decide whether liquor licences shall be granted within its bounds, or to decide whether or not to enforce (locally) permissive laws and regulations

local preacher noun

A Methodist layperson authorized to preach in his or her district

local radio noun

Radio (programmes) broadcast from a local station to a relatively small area, often on local themes

local time noun

The time of a place as measured by the passage of the sun over the meridian passing through that place

local variable noun (computing)

A variable with its use restricted to a particular subprogram

local veto noun

The power of a district to prohibit the sale of liquors in its own area





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