

单词 face the music

face /fās/

  1. The front part of the head, including forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, and chin
  2. The outside form or appearance
  3. The front or surface of anything
  4. A flat surface of a solid geometrical figure, crystal, etc
  5. The striking surface of a golf club, etc
  6. The edge of a cutting tool, etc
  7. The front or upper surface, or that usually on view
  8. The exposed surface in a cliff, mine or quarry
  9. A principal cleavage-plane (geology)
  10. The dial of a watch, etc
  11. The printed surface of a playing card
  12. A style of letter or type (printing)
  13. Special appearance or facial expression
  14. Aspect, look, configuration
  15. Command of facial expression and bearing
  16. Boldness, effrontery
  17. A grimace
  18. Presence
  19. Anger or favour (Bible)
  20. (also baby face) a wrestler with a crowd-pleasing persona, opp to heel
transitive verb
  1. To meet in the face or in front
  2. To stand opposite to or looking towards
  3. To be confronted with
  4. To confront
  5. To stand up to
  6. To brave
  7. To resist
  8. To put an additional face or surface on
  9. To cover in front
  10. To trim
intransitive verb
  1. (often with on, to or towards) to direct or turn the face
  2. To take or have a direction
  3. To show a face, esp bold or false (obsolete)
ORIGIN: Fr face, from L faciēs form or face; perh from facere to make

faced adjective

  1. Having a face
  2. Having the outer surface dressed
  3. With the front covered with another material

faceˈless adjective

  1. Having no face
  2. (of a person or people concerned in some action) with identity unknown or concealed
  3. Robot-like, esp of bureaucratic officials who allow no degree of personality to intrude on their decision-making processes

facˈer noun

  1. A tool for smoothing or facing a surface
  2. A severe blow on the face (slang)
  3. An affront (informal)
  4. Anything that staggers one, a sudden problem or difficulty (informal)
  5. A person who faces something
  6. A person who puts on a false show (obsolete)
  7. A boldfaced person (obsolete)

facial /fāˈshl/ adjective

  1. Of or relating to the face
  2. For the face
noun (informal)

A beauty treatment to the face

faˈcialist noun

A beautician who specializes in performing facial treatments

faˈcially adverb

facˈing noun

  1. A covering in front for decoration or protection
  2. (in pl) the collar, lapels and cuffs of a garment, esp in a contrasting colour

faceˈ-ache noun

  1. Neuralgia in the nerves of the face
  2. An ugly or disagreeable person (slang; usu used as a mild or facetious insult)

Faceˈbook® noun

A popular social networking website

face card noun

A playing-card bearing a face (king, queen or jack)

faceˈ-centred adjective

(of a crystal structure) with an atom in the centre of the face of each unit cell as well as at each vertex

faceˈcloth or face flannel noun

  1. A cloth used in washing the face
  2. (facecloth) a cloth laid over the face of a corpse or living person

face cream noun

A cosmetic cream for the face

faceˈ-fungˈus noun (informal)

A moustache or beard

faceˈ-guard or face mask noun

A kind of mask to guard or protect the face

faceˈ-hardˈen transitive verb

To harden on the surface, to case-harden (lit and figurative)

faceˈlift noun

  1. A surgical operation to smooth and firm the tissues of the face
  2. A renovating process, esp one applied to the outside of a building

faceˈman or faceˈworker noun

A miner who works at the coalface, as opposed to elsewhere in or at the mine

face mask noun

  1. A face-guard
  2. A face pack

faceˈ-off noun

  1. (in ice-hockey, etc) the dropping of the puck between two players to start the game
  2. A confrontation (figurative)
  3. See also face off below

face pack noun

A creamy cosmetic mixture put onto the face to cleanse and tone the complexion, and removed when dry

face paint noun

Paint used to decorate the face

face painting noun

faceˈplate noun

  1. A disc on which a piece of wood, etc can be fixed for turning on a lathe
  2. A protective plate in front of a piece of machinery
  3. A flat transparent panel on the front of a protective helmet
  4. The screen or front of a cathode-ray tube

face powder noun

A cosmetic powder for the face

faceˈ-saver noun

A course of action that saves one's face (see below)

faceˈ-saving noun and adjective

Saving one's face (see below)

FaceˈTime® noun

An application enabling video calls to be made over a wireless network

transitive verb

(usu without caps) to communicate with (a person) using this application

face value noun

  1. The value as stated on the face of a coin, share certificate, etc
  2. The apparent value of anything, which may not be the same as its real value

facial angle noun

(in skull measurement) the angle formed by lines drawn from the middle of the forehead to the upper jaw above the incisor teeth and from the opening of the ear to the opening of the nose

facial mapping noun

A forensic technique for reconstructing the original face beneath a disguise

face down

  1. To shame or intimidate with stern looks
  2. To confront and make concede

face off

  1. To start a game (of ice-hockey, etc) by a face-off
  2. To confront each other
  3. To adopt a mutually confrontational attitude

face out

  1. To carry off by confident appearance
  2. To face down

face the music (informal)

  1. To accept unpleasant consequences at their worst
  2. To brave a trying situation, hostile reception, etc

face to face

  1. Opposite
  2. In actual presence, in person
  3. In confrontation (faceˈ-to-faceˈ adjective)

face up to

  1. To face or stand up to
  2. To recognize (a fact or facts) and prepare to endure or act bravely

fly in the face of

To oppose or defy

get in (or out of) someone's face (informal)

To begin (or stop) harassing or obstructing someone

have two faces

To be two-faced (see under two)

in the face of

In defiance of, despite

in-your-face or in-yer-face (slang)

  1. Aggressive
  2. Direct and provocative

look (someone) in the face

To look at (someone) without shame or embarrassment

lose face

To lose prestige

loss of face

Humiliation, loss of dignity

make or pull faces at

To distort one's face into exaggerated expressions in order to amuse, annoy, etc

off one's face (slang)

  1. Drunk or high on drugs
  2. Crazy

on the face of it

  1. On its own showing
  2. As is palpably plain
  3. At first glance

pull a long face

To look dismal

put a good or brave face on (it)

To adopt a good-natured or stoical attitude in a troublesome situation

put one's face on (informal)

To apply cosmetics to the face

right face!, left face! or right about face!

Words of command, on which soldiers turn to the side specified

run one's face (obs sl)

To obtain things on credit by sheer impudence

save one's face

To avoid humiliation or appearance of climbing down

set one's face against

To oppose strenuously

show one's face

To appear

to one's face

In one's presence, openly

music /mūˈzik/

  1. The art of expression in sound, in melody, and harmony, including both composition and execution
  2. (the art of) instrumental performance, as distinct from singing
  3. The science underlying it
  4. A musical composition (obsolete)
  5. The performance of musical compositions
  6. Compositions collectively
  7. A connected series of (pleasing) sounds
  8. Pleasing sound generally
  9. Melody or harmony
  10. Sound of a definite pitch, not mere noise
  11. A band of musicians (archaic)
  12. Musical instruments (obsolete or dialect)
  13. Written or printed representation of tones, expression, etc, or of what is to be played or sung
  14. Sheets or books of parts or scores collectively
  15. Harmonious character
  16. Fun (US)

Of or for music

intransitive verb (prp muˈsicking) (rare)

To perform music

ORIGIN: Fr musique, from L mūsica, from Gr mousikē (technē) musical (art), from Mousa a Muse

muˈsical adjective

  1. Relating to, of, with, or producing, music
  2. Pleasing to the ear
  3. Of definite pitch (unlike mere noise)
  4. Melodious
  5. Having skill in, or aptitude or taste for, music

A musical person, party or performance, esp a theatrical performance or film in which singing and usu dancing play an important part, a successor to musical comedy with a less frivolous plot

musicale /mū-zi-kälˈ/ noun

(Fr soirée musicale) a social gathering with music, or the programme of music for it

musicality /-alˈi-ti/ noun

muˈsically adverb

muˈsicalness noun

musician /mū-zishˈən/ noun

  1. A person skilled in music
  2. A performer or composer of music, esp professional

musiˈcianer or muˈsicker noun (obsolete or dialect)

musiˈcianly adjective

Characteristic of, or becoming, a musician

musiˈcianship noun

musicologˈical adjective

musicolˈogist noun

musicolˈogy noun

Academic study of music in its historical, scientific and other aspects

musicotherˈapy noun

Music therapy

musical box noun

A toy that plays tunes automatically, by means of projections from a revolving barrel twitching a comb

musical chairs singular noun

  1. The game of prancing round a diminishing row of chairs and securing one when the music stops
  2. A series of interrelated shifts and changes involving a number of people (facetious)

musical comedy noun

A light dramatic entertainment with sentimental songs and situations held together by a minimum of plot

musical director noun

The conductor of an orchestra in a theatre, etc

musical flame noun

A flame that gives a musical tone when surrounded by an open tube

musical glasses see harmonica under harmony

musical sand noun

Sand of nearly uniform size of grain that gives out a definite note when walked on

music box noun

  1. A barrel organ (obsolete)
  2. A musical box
  3. A piano (joc)

music case or music folio noun

A case or portfolio for carrying sheet music

music centre noun

A unit consisting of an amplifier, a CD and/or record player, cassette player and radio, with loudspeakers

muˈsic-demy noun

A size of writing paper, 203/4in×143/8in

music drama noun

A term used by Wagner to describe opera in which the musical, dramatic and visual elements are given equal emphasis

music hall noun

  1. Orig and still sometimes a concert hall, now usu a hall for variety entertainments
  2. Variety entertainment or vaudeville performed there, consisting of a series of turns by different artists, interspersed with interludes of song, dance, etc

muˈsic-hall adjective

music holder noun

  1. A music-case
  2. A clip, rack or desk for holding music during performance

music house noun

  1. A concert hall
  2. A firm dealing in music or musical instruments

music master, music mistress or music teacher noun

A teacher of music

music paper noun

Paper ruled for writing music

music pen noun

A five-channelled pen for drawing the stave

music rack noun

A rack attached to a musical instrument for holding the player's music

music roll noun

  1. A case for carrying music rolled up
  2. A roll of perforated paper for mechanical piano-playing

music room noun

  1. A room in which music is performed
  2. A room beside the stage in which the musicians were stationed (obsolete)

muˈsic-seller noun

A dealer in printed music

muˈsic-shell noun

A volute shell with markings like music

music stand noun

A light adjustable frame for holding music during performance

music stool noun

A piano stool

music synthesizer noun (computing)

An output device generating sounds similar to musical notes in response to digital signals

music theatre noun

A form of musical composition given a partly-staged presentation, developed esp in the USA in the 1950s

music therapist noun

A specialist in the use of music therapy, the controlled use of music in the treatment, education, etc of those with physical or mental disabilities or disorders

early music

Medieval and Renaissance music (also sometimes extended to baroque)

face the music see under face

music of the spheres see under sphere

music to one's ears

Anything that one is very glad to hear

rough music

  1. Uproar
  2. Charivari





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