

单词 Hebraic

Hebrew /hēˈbroo/

  1. A member of an ancient Semitic people
  2. The language of the Hebrews, in which the Old Testament and sacred texts of Judaism are written
  3. Unintelligible speech (informal)

Of the Hebrews or their language

ORIGIN: OFr Ebreu and L Hebraeus, from Gr Hebraios, from Aramaic ʻebrai (Heb ʻibrī), literally, one from the other side (of the Euphrates)

Hebraic /hē-brāˈik/ or Hebraˈical adjective

Relating to the Hebrews or to their language

Hebrāˈically adverb

  1. After the manner of the Hebrew language
  2. From right to left

Hebrāˈicism noun

Hēˈbrāism noun

A Hebrew idiom

Hēˈbrāist noun

A person skilled in Hebrew

Hebrāistˈic or Hebrāistˈical adjective

Of or like Hebrew

Hebrāistˈically adverb

Hēˈbrāize or Hēˈbrāise transitive verb

To make Hebrew

intransitive verb
  1. To use a Hebrew idiom
  2. To conform or incline to Hebrew ways or ideals

Hēˈbrāīzer or Hēˈbrāīser noun

Hēˈbrewess noun (Bible)

A Jewess

Hēˈbrewism noun

Hebrew year see under year





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