

单词 fast-tracks

fast1 /fäst/

  1. Quick
  2. Rapid
  3. (of a clock) showing a time in advance of the correct time
  4. Promoting rapid play
  5. For quick-moving traffic, as in fast lane
  6. (of film) requiring only brief exposure
  7. Seeking excitement
  8. Rash
  9. Dissolute
  10. Sexually promiscuous
  1. Swiftly
  2. In rapid succession
  3. In advance of the correct time
  4. Extravagantly or dissipatedly
ORIGIN: A special use of fast2 derived from Scand sense of urgent

fastˈish adjective

Somewhat fast

fastˈness noun

fastˈback noun

  1. A car whose roof slopes smoothly down towards the rear, giving a streamlined effect
  2. A particular breed of pig which yields lean meat

fastˈball noun (baseball)

A delivery from the pitcher thrown at maximum speed

fast bowler noun

fast bowling noun (cricket)

Bowling in which the ball is delivered fast, pace bowling

fast-breeder reactor noun

A nuclear reactor using fast neutrons which produces at least as much fissionable material as it uses

Fastˈext noun

A facility on some television sets for scrolling through teletext pages faster than normal

fast food or fast foods noun

Kinds of food, eg hamburgers, chips, etc, which can be prepared and served quickly

fast forward noun

The facility provided by a cassette recorder, DVD player, etc for moving quickly through recorded material without playing it

fast-forˈward transitive verb

To advance (a tape, DVD, etc) quickly by this means

intransitive verb (informal)

To pass or move on without delay

fast lane noun

A lane on a motorway or dual carriageway that is used to overtake slower vehicles

fast neutron noun

A neutron of very high energy, usu over 10000 electronvolts

fast reactor noun

A nuclear reactor using fast neutrons, and little or no moderator

fast stream noun

(in eg the civil service) a category of personnel who have been selected for rapid promotion to senior posts

fastˈ-talk transitive verb

To persuade with rapid, plausible talk

fastˈ-talking adjective

fast track noun (informal)

  1. The routine for accelerating the progress of a proposal, etc through its formalities
  2. The quick but competitive route to advancement

fastˈ-track transitive verb

To process or promote speedily


Relating to or being on a fast track

fastˈ-trackˈer noun

fast worker noun

A person who gains his or her ends quickly and easily, esp by unscrupulous means

a fast buck (informal)

Money quickly and easily obtained

fast and furious (or furiously)

Rapidly and vigorously

(life) in the fast lane

(a way of life) full of pressure, excitement and glamour

pull a fast one or put a fast one over (informal)

To gain an advantage by trickery





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