单词 | hemimetabolic |
释义 | hemi- /hem-i-/combining formUsed to denote half ORIGIN: Gr hēmi- half hemialˈgia noun (Gr algos pain) pain confined to one side of the body hemianopsˈia noun (Gr an-, privative, and opsis sight) blindness in half of the field of vision (also hemianōˈpia, hemiōˈpia or hemiopˈsia) hemianopˈtic or hemiopˈic adjective hemicellulose /-selˈū-lōs/ noun A type of polysaccharide, found in plant cell walls, which can be more easily broken down than cellulose Hemichordata /-kör-dāˈtə/ or Hemichorda /-körˈdə/ plural noun A group of wormlike marine animals with rudimentary notochord, including Balanoglossus, believed by many to represent the ancestors of the vertebrates hemicrania /-krāˈni-ə/ noun (Gr hēmikrāniā, from krānion skull, head) headache confined to one side hemicrysˈtalline adjective (petrology) Consisting of crystals in a glassy or partly glassy groundmass hemˈicycle noun
hemicyˈclic adjective (botany) Having some parts in whorls, some in spirals hemidemisemˈiquaver noun (music) A note equal in time to half a demisemiquaver hemihēˈdrism or hemihēˈdry /-dri/ noun (Gr hedrā a seat) a property of crystals of being hemihēˈdral, or having half the number of symmetrically arranged planes occurring on a holohedron hemihēˈdron noun hemihyˈdrate noun A hydrate with two parts of the compound for one of water hemimetabolous /-met-abˈəl-əs/ or hemimetabolic /-bolˈik/ adjective (of insects) developing gradually without a pupal stage hemimorphˈic adjective (Gr morphē form) having a polar axis, dissimilar at the two ends hemimorphˈism noun hemimorphˈite noun The mineral electric calamine, hydrous zinc silicate, which forms crystals whose ends are different in form and pyroelectric property hemiōˈlia or hemiōˈla noun
hemiolic /-olˈ/ adjective In or based on the ratio of 3 to 2, as the paeonic foot hemionus /hi-mīˈon-əs/ or hemione /hemˈi-ōn/ noun (Gr hēmionos mule, from onos an ass) an Asiatic wild ass, the kiang or the dziggetai hemiparˈasite noun
hemiparasitˈic adjective hemiparasitˈically adverb hemiplegia /-plēˈji-ə or -gi-ə/ noun (Gr plēgē a blow) paralysis of one side only hemiplegic /-plejˈ or -plējˈ/ adjective and noun hemˈipode noun (Gr pous, podos foot) the button quail Hemipˈtera plural noun (Gr pteron a wing) an order of insects, variously defined, with wings (when present) often half leathery, half membranous, ie the bugs, cicadas, greenfly, cochineal insect, etc hemipˈteral, hemipˈteran or hemipˈterous adjective hemˈispace noun The area to one side, either left or right, of the body hemˈisphere noun
hemispherˈic or hemispherˈical adjective hemisphēˈroid noun The half of a spheroid hemisphēroiˈdal adjective hemistich /hemˈi-stik/ noun
hemˈistichal (or /-isˈ/) adjective hemˈitrope noun (Gr tropos a turn) a form of twin crystal in which one twin is as if rotated through two right angles from the position of the other hemˈitrope, hemitropal /hem-itˈrə-pl/, hemitropic /-tropˈ/ or hemitˈropous adjective hemizyˈgous adjective (see zygote) having only one representative of a gene or chromosome, as male mammals, which have only one X-chromosome |
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