

单词 feuds

feud1 /fūd/

  1. A war waged by private individuals, families or clans against one another on their own account
  2. A bloody strife
  3. A persistent state of private enmity
intransitive verb

To take part in or carry on a feud

ORIGIN: OFr faide, feide, from LL faida, from OHGer fēhida; vowel change unexplained; see foe

feudˈing noun and adjective

right of feud (law)

The right to protect oneself and one's family, and to deal out punishment to those who do one wrong

feud2 or feod /fūd/

noun (historical)

A fief or land held on condition of service

ORIGIN: LL feudum; see fee

feudˈal or feodˈal adjective

  1. Relating to feuds or fiefs
  2. Relating to or typical of feudalism

feudˈalism noun

  1. The feudal system, a system of social organization prevalent in W Europe in the Middle Ages, in which powerful land-owning lords granted degrees of privilege and protection to lesser subjects holding a range of positions within a rigid social hierarchy
  2. A class-conscious social or political system resembling the medieval feudal system

feudˈalist noun

feudalisˈtic adjective

feudalˈity noun

  1. The state of being feudal
  2. The feudal system

feudalīzāˈtion or feudalīsāˈtion noun

feudˈalize or feudˈalise transitive verb

feudˈally adverb

feudˈary, feodˈary or feudˈatory adjective

Holding lands or power by a feudal tenure (also noun)

feudˈist noun

  1. A writer on feuds
  2. A person versed in the laws of feudal tenure

the feudal system






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