

单词 anthroposophy

anthrop- /an-throp-/ or anthropo- /an-thro-pō-, -pə- or -po-/

combining form

Denoting man, human

ORIGIN: Gr anthrōpos man (in general sense)

anthropˈic or anthropˈical adjective


anthropobiolˈogy noun

Human biology

anthropocentric /an-thrō-pō-sentˈrik/ adjective

(Gr kentron centre) regarding the human race as the centre of, or central to, the universe

anthropocentˈrically adverb

anthropocentˈrism noun

anthropogenesis /-jenˈ/ noun

anthropogenˈic adjective

anthropogeny /-ojˈən-i/ noun (Gr genos race, birth)

The study of man's origin

anthrōpogeogˈraphy noun

The geography of the races of man

anthropogony /-ogˈə-ni/ noun (Gr gonē, gonos birth, begetting)

The study, or an account, of the origin of man

anthropography /-ogˈrə-fi/ noun

The study of the geographical distribution of human races

anˈthropoid (or /-thrōpˈ/) adjective

(Gr eidos form) manlike, applied esp to the highest apes (gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-utan, gibbon) but also to the higher Primates generally, ie man, apes, monkeys, but not lemurs


An anthropoid ape

anthropoidˈal adjective

anthropolˈatry noun

(Gr latreiā worship) man-worship, the giving of divine honours to a human being

anthrōpological /-lojˈ/ adjective

anthrōpologˈically adverb

anthropolˈogist noun

anthropolˈogy noun

The scientific study of human beings and their way of life, the science of man in its widest sense

anthropometˈric adjective

anthropometry /-omˈi-tri/ noun (Gr metreein to measure)

Measurement of the human body

anthrōˈpomorph noun

(Gr morphē shape) a representation, esp conventionalized, of the human form in art

anthropomorphˈic adjective

anthropomorphˈically adverb

anthropomorphˈism noun

  1. Conception or representation of a god as having the form, personality or attributes of man
  2. Ascription of human characteristics to what is not human, esp an animal

anthropomorphˈist noun

anthropomorphˈite noun

A person who ascribes human form, personality or attributes to God

anthropomorphitˈic adjective

anthropomorphˈitism noun

anthropomorˈphize or anthropomorˈphise transitive verb

To regard as or render anthropomorphic

anthropomorphōˈsis (or /-mörfˈə-sis/) noun

Transformation into human shape

anthropomorphˈous adjective

Formed like or resembling man

anthropopathic /-pathˈik/ adjective

anthropopathˈically adverb

anthropopathism /-opˈə-thizm/ or anthropopˈathy noun

(Gr pathos suffering, passion) ascription of human passions and affections (to God, nature, etc)

anthropophagi /-ofˈə-jī or -gē/ plural noun (Gr phagein to eat)

Man-eaters, cannibals

anthropophaginian /-jinˈi-ən/ noun (Shakespeare)

A cannibal

anthropophˈagite /-ə-jīt/ noun

anthropophˈagous /-ə-gəs/ adjective

anthropophˈagy /-ə-ji/ noun


anthropophōˈbia noun

A morbid fear of people or society

anthropophōˈbic noun and adjective

anthropophˈūism noun

(Gr phyē nature) the ascription of a human nature to the gods

anthropˈophyte noun

A plant introduced incidentally in the course of cultivation

Anthropopithēˈcus noun

(Gr pithekos ape) the chimpanzee

anthropopsyˈchic /-sīˈkik or -psīˈkik/ adjective

anthropopsyˈchically adverb

anthropopsyˈchism noun

(Gr psȳchē soul) ascription to nature or God of a soul or mind like man's

anthroposophˈical adjective

anthroposˈophist noun

anthroposˈophy noun

  1. (Gr sophiā wisdom) the knowledge of the nature of men
  2. Human wisdom
  3. Specif the spiritualistic doctrine of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925)

anthropotˈomy noun

(Gr tomē a cut) human anatomy





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