单词 | heterologous |
释义 | heter- /het-ər-/ or hetero- /het-ə-rō-, het-ə-rə- or -ro-/combining form
ORIGIN: Gr heteros other, one or other heterauxēˈsis noun (Gr auxēsis growth; botany) Unsymmetrical growth heteroblastˈic adjective
hetˈeroblasty noun Heteroblastic condition heterocarpˈous adjective (Gr karpos fruit) bearing fruit of more than one kind Heterocera /-osˈər-ə/ plural noun (Gr keras horn) a loose term for moths, distinguished from Rhopalocera (butterflies) heterocercal /-sûrˈkl/ adjective (Gr kerkos tail) having the vertebral column passing into the upper lobe of the tail, which is usually larger than the lower, as in sharks heterocercalˈity or hetˈerocercy noun heterochlamydeous /-klə-midˈi-əs/ adjective (Gr chlamys, -ydos mantle) having calyx and corolla distinctly different heterochromatˈic or heterochromous /-krōˈməs/ adjective (Gr chrōma colour) having different or varying colours heterochromatˈin noun (biology) Relatively dense chromatin visible by microscopy in eukaryotic cell nuclei, which generally contains DNA sequences inactive in transcription heterochronˈic adjective heterochˈronism noun heterochronistˈic adjective heterochˈronous adjective heterochrony /-okˈrə-ni/ noun (Gr chronos time; biology) Divergence from the normal time sequence in development hetˈeroclite /-klīt/ adjective (Gr heteroklitos, from klitos inflected, from klīnein to inflect; grammar)
heteroclitˈic or heterocˈlitous adjective heterocont noun see heterokont below heterocyclic /-sīˈklik/ adjective
heterodactyl /-dakˈtil/ noun (Gr daktylos toe) a heterodactylous bird heterodacˈtylous adjective Having the first and second toes turned backwards, as in trogons, and not the first and fourth as in parrots hetˈerodont adjective (Gr odous, odontos a tooth) having different kinds of teeth hetˈerodox adjective
hetˈerodoxy noun Heresy heteroduˈplex adjective (heteroduplex DNA laboratory made double-stranded DNA in which some of the bases cannot pair) hetˈerodyne /-ō-dīn/ adjective (Gr dynamis strength) in radio communication, applied to a method of imposing on a continuous wave another of slightly different length to produce beats (also transitive verb) heteroecious /-ēˈshəs/ adjective heteroecism /-ēˈsizm/ noun (Gr oikos a house; biology) A form of parasitism that requires two (usu unrelated) host species to complete the parasite's life cycle heterogametic /-gə-metˈik/ adjective (heterogametic sex the sex that is heterozygous for the sex-determining chromosome, the male in mammals, the female in birds) heterogˈamous adjective heterogˈamy noun
heterogenēˈity noun heterogeneous /-jēˈni-əs/ adjective
heterogeˈneously adverb heterogeˈneousness noun heterogenesis /-jenˈi-sis/ noun (Gr genesis generation; biology) The alternation of generations heterogenetic /-ji-netˈik/ adjective heterogeny /-ojˈən-i/ noun
heterogonous /-ogˈə-/ adjective
heterogˈony noun hetˈerograft noun A graft of tissue from a member of one species to a member of another species hetˈerokont or hetˈerocont noun (Gr kontos a punting pole) any member of the Heterocontˈae or yellow-green algae (eg the common Conferva), a class usually characterized by the pair of unequal cilia on the motile cells heterokontˈan adjective heterologous /-olˈə-gəs/ adjective
heterolˈogy noun Lack of correspondence between apparently similar structures due to different origin heteromˈerous adjective
heteromorˈphic or heteromorˈphous adjective
heteromorˈphism or hetˈeromorphy noun heteronˈomous adjective
heteronˈomy noun hetˈeronym noun A word of the same spelling as another but of different pronunciation and meaning heteroousian /het-ər-ō-ooˈsi-ən or -owˈ/ or heterousian /-ooˈ, -owˈ or -ō-ooˈ/ adjective (often with cap)
(often with cap) a holder of such belief heterophyllous /-filˈəs/ adjective (Gr phyllon a leaf) having different kinds of foliage leaf hetˈerophylly noun heteroplasia /-plāˈz(h)i-ə or -si-ə/ noun (Gr plasis a forming) development of abnormal tissue or tissue in an abnormal place heteroplastic /-plasˈtik/ adjective hetˈeroplasty noun
hetˈeropod noun Heteropˈoda plural noun (Gr pous, podos a foot) pelagic gastropods in which the foot has become a swimming organ heteropōˈlar adjective Having alternating or opposite polarity Heteropˈtera plural noun (Gr pteron a wing) a suborder of insects, the bugs, Hemiptera with fore and hind wings (when present) markedly different heteropˈteran noun and adjective heteropˈterous adjective heteroscian /het-ər-oshˈi-ən/ noun (Gr skiā a shadow) a dweller in a temperate zone, whose noon-shadow is always thrown one way, either north or south heterosexˈism noun The belief that homosexuality is a perversion, used as grounds for discrimination against homosexuals heterosexˈist noun Someone who discriminates against homosexuals (also adjective) heterosexˈūal adjective Having or relating to sexual attraction towards the opposite sex nounA person who is sexually attracted to the opposite sex heterosexualˈity noun heterōˈsis noun (biology)
Heterosōˈmata plural noun (Gr sōma (pl sōmata) a body) the flatfishes heterosōˈmatous adjective heterospecifˈic adjective
heterosporous /-osˈpor-əs, or -pōrˈ or -pörˈ/ adjective Having different kinds of asexually-produced spores heterosˈpory noun heterostrophˈic adjective
heterosˈtrophy noun hetˈerostyled or heterostyˈlous adjective Having styles of different length in different flowers heterostylˈism noun hetˈerostyly noun heterotactˈic adjective heterotaxˈis or hetˈerotaxy noun (Gr taxis arrangement) anomalous arrangement of eg parts of the body, etc heterothallˈic adjective (Gr thallos a shoot; botany) (of certain fungi) having two physiologically different types of mycelium, called plus and minus, comparable to male and female heterothallˈism or hetˈerothally noun heterotherˈmal adjective (Gr thermos heat) of animals, with a body temperature like that of its surroundings heterotˈic adjective Relating to or showing heterosis heterotōˈpia noun Displacement of an organ of the body heterotopˈic adjective hetˈerotroph noun A heterotrophic organism heterotrophˈic adjective heterotˈrophy noun (Gr trophē livelihood; botany) Dependence (immediate or ultimate) upon green plants for carbon (as in most animals, fungi, etc) heterotypˈic adjective
heterousian adjective see heteroousian above heterozygosˈity noun The mixed ancestry of heterozygotes heterozygote /-zīˈgōt/ noun (Gr zygōtos yoked, from zygon yoke) a zygote or individual formed from gametes differing with respect to some pair of alternative characters heterozyˈgous adjective |
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