

单词 high-stomached

high1 /hī/

  1. Elevated
  2. Lofty
  3. Tall
  4. Far up from a base, such as the ground, sea level, low tide, the mouth of a river, the zero of a scale, etc
  5. Advanced in a scale, esp the scale of nature
  6. Reaching far up
  7. Expressible by a large number
  8. Of a height specified or to be specified
  9. Of advanced degree of intensity
  10. Advanced, full (in time, eg high season or high summer)
  11. (of a period) at its peak of development, as in High Renaissance
  12. Of grave importance
  13. Advanced
  14. Exalted, as in high drama
  15. Excellent
  16. Eminent
  17. Dignified
  18. Chief (as in high priestess)
  19. Noble
  20. Haughty
  21. Arrogant
  22. Extreme in opinion
  23. Powerful
  24. Angry
  25. Loud
  26. Violent
  27. Tempestuous
  28. Acute in pitch
  29. Luxurious (as in the high life)
  30. Elated
  31. Drunk
  32. Over-excited, nervy
  33. Under the influence of a drug
  34. Standing out
  35. Difficult, abstruse
  36. (of a price) dear
  37. For heavy stakes
  38. Remote in time
  39. (of meat, etc) slightly tainted or decomposed, or, in the case of game, ready to cook
  40. Pronounced with some part of the tongue well raised in the mouth (phonetics)
  41. (of latitude) far from the equator
  42. (of an angle) approaching a right angle
  43. (of facial colouring) florid
  1. At or to an elevated degree
  2. In or into a raised position
  3. Aloft
  4. Shrilly
  5. Arrogantly
  6. Eminently
  7. Powerfully
  8. Extremely
  9. Luxuriously
  10. Dear
  11. For heavy stakes
  1. That which is high
  2. An elevated region
  3. The highest card
  4. A high level
  5. The maximum, highest level
  6. An anticyclone
  7. A euphoric or exhilarated frame of mind, esp under the influence of a drug (informal)
  8. Something that promotes such a frame of mind
  9. A high school
ORIGIN: OE hēah; Gothic hauhs, ON hār, Ger hoch

highˈer adjective compar of high noun

(with cap; also Higher grade) (in Scotland, a pass in) an examination generally taken at the end of the fifth or sixth year of secondary education (also adjective)

transitive verb
  1. To raise higher
  2. To lift
intransitive verb

To ascend

highˈermost (rare) or highˈest adjective

Superl of high

highˈish adjective

Somewhat high

highˈly adverb

  1. In or to a high degree
  2. In a high position

highˈmost adjective

highˈness noun

  1. The state of being high
  2. Dignity of rank
  3. (with cap) a title of honour given to princes, princesses, royal dukes, etc

hight /hīt/ or highth /hīth/ noun

Obsolete forms of height

high admiral noun

A high or chief admiral of a fleet

high altar see under altar

high-alumina cement noun

A type of quick-hardening cement, made of bauxite and chalk or limestone, found to lose strength through time under certain conditions

high bailiff noun (obsolete)

An officer who served writs, etc in certain franchises, exempt from the ordinary supervision of the sheriff

highˈball noun (N American)

Whisky (or other alcoholic spirit) and soda with ice in a tall glass

intransitive verb

To go at great speed

transitive verb

To drive very fast

highˈ-battled adjective (Shakespeare; also hye-battel'd)

Appar in command of proud battalions

highˈbinder noun (US)

  1. A member of a Chinese criminal secret society
  2. A conspirator
  3. A rowdy, ruffian or blackmailer

high-blestˈ adjective (Milton)

Supremely blest or happy

highˈblooded adjective

Of noble lineage

highˈ-blown adjective

  1. Swelled with wind
  2. Inflated, as with pride (orig Shakespeare)

highˈ-born adjective

Of noble birth

highˈboy noun (N American)

A tallboy

highˈ-bred adjective

Of noble breed, training or family

highˈbrow noun and adjective

(an) intellectual

highˈbrowism noun

high camp see under camp2

highˈchair noun

A baby's or young child's tall chair, usu fitted with a tray, used esp at mealtimes

High Church adjective

  1. Of a section within the Church of England that exalts the authority of the episcopate and the priesthood, the saving grace of sacraments, etc
  2. Of similar views in other churches

High-Churchˈism noun

High-Churchˈman noun

highˈ-class adjective

  1. Superior
  2. Typical of or belonging to an upper social class

high-colˈoured adjective

  1. Having a strong or glaring colour
  2. (of a complexion) ruddy
  3. Over-vivid

high comedy noun

Comedy set in refined sophisticated society, characterized more by witty dialogue, complex plot and good characterization than by comical actions or situations

high command noun

The commander-in-chief of the army together with his staff, or the equivalent senior officers of any similar force

High Commission, High Commissioner see under commission

high court noun

A supreme court

high cross noun

A town or village cross

high day noun

  1. A holiday or festival
  2. /dāˈ/ broad daylight
  3. /hīˈ/ heyday (non-standard)


Befitting a festival

high-definition television see HDTV

high-definiˈtion adjective

Providing exceptional visual clarity

high-denˈsity adjective (computing)

(of a disk) having very large data-storage capacity

highˈ-dried adjective

  1. Brought to an advanced stage of dryness
  2. Of fixed and extreme opinions

High Dutch see under Dutch

highˈ-end adjective

  1. Most expensive
  2. Typical of or appealing to the wealthy

high-energy physics singular noun (physics)

Same as particle physics (see under particle)

higher criticism noun

The inquiry into the composition, date and authenticity of a text, esp of the Bible, from historical and literary considerations

higher education noun

Education at a level beyond that of secondary education, eg at a university or college

Higher grade see higher above.

higher mathematics singular noun

Mathematics at an advanced level, eg number theory

highˈer-up noun (informal)

A person occupying an upper position

high explosive noun

A detonating explosive (eg dynamite, TNT) of great power and exceedingly rapid action

highˈ-explōsive adjective

highfalutin or highfaluting /-lootˈ/ (informal) adjective

  1. Affected
  2. Pompous


Bombastic discourse

high fashion noun

Haute couture

high feather noun

  1. High spirits
  2. Happy state

highˈ-fed adjective

  1. Fed highly or luxuriously
  2. Pampered

highˈ-feeding noun

high fidelity noun

Good reproduction of sound (see also hi-fi)

high-fidelˈity adjective

high five or high-fiveˈ-sign noun

A sign of greeting or celebration, esp popular in N America, consisting of the slapping of raised right palms

high-fiveˈ intransitive verb and transitive verb

highˈ-flīˈer or highˈ-flyˈer noun

  1. A bird that flies high
  2. Someone prone to extravagance of opinion or action
  3. An ambitious person, or one naturally equipped to reach prominence
  4. (with cap; historical) a High-Churchman, or, in Scotland, an Evangelical

highˈ-flown adjective

  1. Extravagant
  2. Elevated
  3. Turgid

highˈ-flyˈing adjective

  1. Extravagant in conduct or opinion
  2. Ambitious or prominent

high frequency see under frequent

high'-functioning adjective

Used esp of a person with autism, able to perform sophisticated tasks

high gear see under gear

High German noun

  1. Of upper or southern Germany
  2. The standard form of the German language, as it is written and spoken amongst educated people
  3. That form of Germanic language affected by the second consonant shift, including the literary language of Germany

highˈ-grade adjective

  1. Superior
  2. Rich in metal

transitive verb

To steal rich ore from

highˈ-grown adjective (Shakespeare)

Covered with a high growth

high hand noun

Arbitrary arrogance

highˈ-handˈed adjective

  1. Overbearing
  2. Arbitrary

highˈ-handˈedness noun

highˈ-hatˈ noun

  1. Orig a wearer of a top hat
  2. A snob or aristocrat (informal)
  3. A person who puts on airs (informal)
  4. /hīˈhat/ a pair of cymbals on a stand, the upper one operated by a pedal so as to strike the lower one (also hiˈ-hat)


Affectedly superior

intransitive verb

To put on airs

transitive verb

To adopt a superior attitude towards or to ignore socially

highˈ-heartˈed adjective

Full of courage

highˈ-heeledˈ adjective

Having or wearing high heels

High Holidays or High Holy Days plural noun

The Jewish festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

high hurdles singular noun

A hurdle race in which the obstacles are 107cm (42in) high

high'-im'pact adjective

  1. (of a material such as plastic) strong enough to withstand great impact
  2. Denoting exercises, esp aerobics, in which both feet leave the ground at the same time

highjack, highjacker see under hijack

high jinks plural noun

  1. Boisterous play, jollity
  2. An old Scottish tavern game in which people played various parts under penalty of a forfeit

high jump noun

  1. (a field event consisting of) a jump over a high bar
  2. Punishment, a severe reproof, esp in the phrase be for the high jump

highˈ-key adjective

(of paintings and photographs) having pale tones and very little contrast

high kick noun

A dancer's kick high in the air, usu with a straight leg

highˈ-kiltˈed adjective

  1. Having the skirt tucked up high
  2. Indecorous

highˈland noun

  1. A mountainous district
  2. (with cap; in pl) the north-west of Scotland, bordered geologically by the great fault running from Dumbarton to Stonehaven, or, ethnologically, the considerably narrower area in which Gaelic is, or was until recently, spoken


Belonging to or characteristic of a highland, esp (usu with cap) the Highlands of Scotland

Highland cattle plural noun

A shaggy breed of cattle with very long horns

Highland dress or Highland costume noun

Kilt, plaid and sporran

highˈlander noun

An inhabitant or native of a mountainous region, esp (with cap or Highˈlandman) of the Highlands of Scotland

Highland fling noun

A lively solo dance of the Scottish Highlands

Highland Games plural noun

An event consisting of competitions in athletic sports, bagpiping, traditional dancing, etc held in the Scottish Highlands or by Scots in other places

highˈ-levˈel adjective

At a high level, esp involving very important people

high-level language noun (computing)

A computer-programming language that allows a user to employ instructions in a form similar to natural language rather than using machine code

high-level waste noun

Nuclear waste requiring continuous cooling to remove the heat produced by radioactive decay

high life noun

  1. The life of fashionable society
  2. The people of this society
  3. A blend of traditional W African music and N American jazz, popular in W Africa

highˈlight noun

  1. An outstanding feature
  2. (in pl) the most brightly-lit spots
  3. The most memorable moments
  4. (usu in pl) a portion or patch of the hair that reflects the light or that is artificially made lighter than the rest of the hair

transitive verb (pap and pat highˈlighted)

  1. To throw into relief by strong light
  2. To draw attention to or point out
  3. To overlay (parts of a text) with a bright colour, for special attention
  4. To add highlights to (a person's hair)

highˈlighter noun

  1. A broad-tipped felt pen for highlighting parts of a text, etc
  2. A cosmetic used to emphasize features on the face

high living noun

Luxurious living

highˈ-lone adverb (Shakespeare)

Quite alone

highˈ-low noun (archaic; often pl)

An ankle-high shoe fastened in front

highly-strungˈ adjective

Nervously sensitive, excitable

highly tried adjective (horse-racing)

Tested in experienced company

highˈ-mainˈtenance adjective

  1. Requiring a high degree of care to remain in working order
  2. Demanding of care and attention (informal)

highˈman noun (pl highˈmen)

A loaded die

High Mass noun

A mass celebrated with music, ceremonies and incense

highˈ-mettˈled adjective

High-spirited, fiery

highˈ-mindˈed adjective

  1. Having a high, proud or arrogant mind (rare)
  2. Having lofty principles and thoughts

highˈ-mindˈedness noun

high-muck-a-muck noun see separate entry.

highˈ-neckedˈ adjective

(of a garment) covering the shoulders and neck

high noon noun

  1. Exactly noon
  2. The peak (figurative)

high-occupancy vehicle noun

A vehicle carrying two or more people, sometimes entitled to preferential toll rates or to use dedicated road lanes

highˈ-ocˈtane adjective

(of petrol) of high octane number and so of high efficiency (also figurative)

highˈ-pitchedˈ adjective

  1. Acute in sound, tending towards treble
  2. (of a roof) steep
  3. Lofty-toned

highˈ-place noun (Bible)

An area of high ground on which idolatrous rites were performed by the Jews, hence the idols, etc themselves

highˈ-placed adjective

  1. Having a high place
  2. Placed high

high places plural noun

Positions of importance and usu influence

high point noun

  1. The most memorable, pleasurable, successful, etc moment or occasion
  2. A high spot

high polymer noun

A polymer of high molecular weight

highˈ-powˈered adjective

  1. Very powerful
  2. Very forceful and efficient

highˈ-pressˈure adjective

  1. Making or allowing use of steam or other gas at a pressure much above that of the atmosphere
  2. Involving intense activity, stressful
  3. Forceful, persuasive

highˈ-pricedˈ adjective


high priest noun

A chief priest

high priestess noun

highˈ-priestˈhood noun

highˈ-priestˈly adjective

highˈ-prinˈcipled adjective

Of high, noble or strict principle

high profile noun

A conspicuous position

highˈ-proˈfile adjective

Prominent, public

highˈ-proof adjective

  1. Proved to contain much alcohol
  2. Highly rectified

highˈ-raised or highˈ-reared adjective

  1. Raised aloft
  2. Elevated

highˈ-ranker noun

highˈ-ranking adjective

  1. Senior
  2. Eminent

highˈ-reachˈing adjective

  1. Reaching upwards
  2. Ambitious

high relief noun

Bold relief, standing out well from the surface

highˈ-resoluˈtion adjective

(of a computer monitor, TV screen, etc) showing an image in great detail by using a large number of dots per unit area

highˈ-rise adjective

(of modern buildings) containing a large number of storeys


Such a building

highˈ-riskˈ adjective

  1. Vulnerable to some sort of danger
  2. Potentially dangerous

highˈroad noun

  1. One of the public or chief roads
  2. A road for general traffic

highˈ-rollˈer noun

  1. A plunging spendthrift
  2. A person who gambles for high stakes

highˈ-rollˈing noun

high school noun

A secondary school, often one that was formerly a grammar school

high seas plural noun

The open ocean

high season noun

The peak tourist period

highˈ-seaˈsoned or highˈly-seaˈsoned adjective

Made rich or piquant with spices or other seasoning

highˈ-set adjective

Placed or pitched high

high shoe noun (archaic)

A boot not reaching far above the ankle

highˈ-sightˈed adjective (Shakespeare)

Looking upwards, supercilious

high sign noun (N American)

A signal, often surreptitious, of warning or indicating that it is safe to proceed

high society noun

Fashionable, wealthy society

highˈ-souled adjective

Having a high or lofty soul or spirit

highˈ-soundˈing adjective

  1. Pompous
  2. Imposing

high spec adjective

Of a high standard of design and workmanship

highˈ-speed adjective

Working, or suitable for working, at a great speed

high-speed steel noun

An alloy that remains hard when red-hot, suitable for metal-cutting tools

highˈ-spirˈited adjective

  1. Having a high spirit or natural fire
  2. Bold
  3. Daring
  4. Cheerful

high spirits plural noun

A happy, exhilarated frame of mind

high spot see under spot

highˈ-steppˈer noun

  1. A horse that lifts its feet high from the ground
  2. A person of imposing bearing or fashionable pretensions

highˈ-steppˈing adjective

highˈ-stickˈing noun

The offence in ice hockey of wielding the blade of the hockey stick above the height allowed

highˈ-stomˈached adjective (Shakespeare)

Proud-spirited, lofty, obstinate

High Street noun

  1. (sometimes without caps) a common name for the main, or former main, shopping street of a town
  2. (with the) shops generally, the everyday marketplace

highˈ-street adjective

Typical of or readily found in high streets

highˈ-strung adjective (esp N American)


high table noun

The dons' table in a college dining-hall

highˈtail intransitive verb

To hightail it (see below)

highˈ-tapˈer noun

Hag-taper, the great mullein

highˈ-tastˈed adjective

Having a strong, piquant taste or relish

high tea noun

An early-evening meal comprising a hot dish followed by cakes, etc and tea

high tech or hi tech noun

A style or design of furnishing, etc imitative of or using industrial equipment

highˈ-tech or hiˈ-tec adjective

high technology noun

Advanced, sophisticated technology in specialist fields, eg electronics, involving high investment in research and development

highˈ-tenˈsion adjective


highˈ-test adjective

(of petrol) boiling at comparatively low temperature and so of high performance

high tide noun

  1. High water
  2. A tide higher than usual
  3. A great festival (rare)

high time noun

  1. Quite time (that something were done)
  2. A time of jollity

high toby see under toby

highˈ-toned adjective

  1. High in pitch
  2. Morally elevated
  3. Superior, fashionable

highˈ-top noun (Shakespeare)

A masthead

high tops plural noun

Training shoes which extend above the ankles

high treason noun

Treason against the sovereign or state

highˈ-up noun

Someone in high position (also adjective)

high-vacˈuum adjective (electronics)

(of a system) so completely evacuated that the effect of ionization on its subsequent operation may be neglected

highˈ-velocˈity adjective

(of shells) propelled at high speed with low trajectory

highˈ-viced adjective (Shakespeare)

Enormously wicked

highˈ-volˈtage adjective

Of or concerning a high voltage, one great enough to cause injury or damage

high water noun

  1. The time at which the tide or other water is highest
  2. The greatest elevation of the tide

highˈ-waˈter mark noun

  1. The highest line so reached
  2. A tidemark
  3. Highest point

highˈway noun

  1. A public road on which all have right to go
  2. The main or usual way or course
  3. A road, path or navigable river (law)
  4. See bus (computing)

Highway Code noun

(the booklet containing) official rules and guidance on correct procedure for road users

highˈwayman noun

A robber who attacks people on the public way

highway patrol noun (N American).

high-wing monoplane noun

An aircraft with the wing mounted on or near the top of the fuselage

high wire noun

A tightrope stretched exceptionally high above the ground

high words plural noun

Angry altercation

highˈwrought adjective

  1. Wrought with exquisite skill
  2. Highly finished
  3. Elaborate
  4. Worked up, agitated

for the high jump (informal)

  1. About to be reprimanded or chastised
  2. About to be hanged

from on high

From a high place, heaven, or (facetiously) a position of authority

high and dry

  1. Up out of the water
  2. Stranded, helpless

high and low

  1. Rich and poor
  2. Up and down
  3. Everywhere

high and mighty (ironic)

  1. Exalted
  2. Arrogant

high as a kite (informal)

Over-excited, drunk, or very much under the influence of drugs

high life below stairs

Servants' imitation of the life of their employers

high old time (informal)

A time of special jollity or enthusiasm

hightail it (informal, esp N American)

To hurry away

hit the high spots

  1. To go to excess
  2. To reach a high level

on high

  1. Aloft
  2. In heaven

on one's high horse

  1. In an attitude of fancied superiority
  2. Very much on one's dignity

on the high ropes (informal)

In an elated or highly excited mood

running high see under feel





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