释义 |
launch1 /lönch or lönsh/ (obsolete lanch /länch or länsh/) transitive verb- To throw or hurl
- To dart
- To send out
- To set going
- To initiate
- To cause or allow to slide into water or to take off from land
- To put (a book or other product) on the market, esp with attendant publicity, etc
- To throw (oneself) freely, venturesomely, or enthusiastically (into some activity) (with into)
- To pierce (Spenser)
- To lance (obsolete)
intransitive verb- To rush, dart, plunge or fling oneself
- To be launched
- To take off
- To throw oneself freely, or in a spirit of adventure (into some activity) (with out or into)
- To begin a usu long story, speech, etc (with into)
noun- The act or occasion of launching
- The introduction of a new product or service onto the market (commerce)
- A lancing (Spenser)
ORIGIN: OFr lanchier, lancier (Fr lancer); see lance1 launchˈer noun A device for launching, esp for sending off a rocket launchˈing-pad noun - A platform from which a rocket can be launched
- A place, event, etc which gives a good start to a career, etc, or at which a project, campaign, etc is launched
launchˈing-ways plural noun The timbers on which a ship is launched launch pad same as launching-pad above. launch vehicle see under vehicle launch window noun The period of time during which the launching of a spacecraft must take place if the flight is to be successful vehicle /vēˈi-kl or -ə-/ noun- A means of conveyance or transmission, esp a structure with wheels in or on which people or things are transported by land
- A medium, eg for the expressing or performing of something
- A substance with which a medicine, a pigment, etc, is mixed for administration or application
- (space vehicle) a structure for carrying burdens through air or space or (also launch vehicle) a rocket used to launch a spacecraft
ORIGIN: L vehiculum, from vehere to carry vehicular /vi-hikˈū-lər/ adjective vehicle-actuated signal see under pad1 vehicle excise duty noun A tax payable on motor vehicles |