

单词 ammonias

ammonia /a- or ə-mōˈni-ə/

  1. A pungent compound of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3) first obtained in gaseous form from sal ammoniac
  2. Its solution in water, containing ammonium hydroxide (liquid ammonia, formerly called spirits of hartshorn)
ORIGIN: New L, back-formation from Eng sal ammoniac, from L sal salt, and ammoniacus of Ammon; see Ammon

ammōˈniac or ammonīˈacal adjective

  1. Of ammonia
  2. Of the region of the temple of Ammon (applied only to gum ammoniac, and to sal ammoniac, which is said to have been first made in that district from camel-dung)

ammoniacum /am-ə-nīˈə-kəm/ noun

Gum ammoniac

ammōˈniated adjective

Combined, impregnated, with ammonia

ammōˈnium noun

A univalent radical, NH4, resembling the alkali metals in chemical behaviour

ammonium nitrate noun

A white crystalline solid used in explosives and as a fertilizer

gum ammoniac

A gum resin used in medicine





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