

单词 lay by the heels

heel1 /hēl/

  1. The hind part of the foot below the ankle
  2. The whole foot (esp of animals)
  3. The part of a shoe, etc that covers or supports the heel
  4. A spur
  5. The hinder part of anything, such as a violin bow
  6. A heel-like bend, as on a golf club
  7. A knob
  8. The top, bottom or end of a loaf or a cheese
  9. A despicable person, often someone who lets others down (slang)
  10. A wrestler who cultivates an antagonistic relationship with the audience, opp to face
transitive verb
  1. To execute or perform with the heel
  2. To strike with the heel
  3. To supply with a heel
  4. To arm with a spur, as a fighting cock
  5. To seize by the heels
  6. To tie by the heels
  7. To follow at the heels of
  8. To supply with a weapon, money, etc
intransitive verb
  1. (of a dog) to follow well
  2. To move one's heels to a dance rhythm
  3. To kick the ball backwards out of the scrum with the heel (rugby)
ORIGIN: OE hēla; Du hiel

heeled adjective

  1. Provided with a heel, shod
  2. (as -heeled) in combination, signifying (of shoes) having a heel of a specified type (as in high-heeled), and used figurative in well-heeled comfortably off

heelˈer noun

  1. Someone who heels, in any sense
  2. A person who follows at heel, such as an unscrupulously faithful follower of a party boss
  3. A dog that herds livestock by following and barking at their heels (Aust)

heelˈing noun

  1. A heel-piece (Spenser)
  2. The act of making or attaching a heel

heelˈball noun

A black waxy composition for blacking the edges of heels and soles of shoes and boots, and for taking brass rubbings, etc

heelˈbar noun

A shop or counter where shoes, etc are repaired

heelˈ-bone noun

The calcaneum, the bone that forms the heel of the foot

heelˈ-piece noun

A piece or cover for the heel

heelˈtap noun

  1. A layer of material in a shoe-heel
  2. A small quantity of liquor left in the glass after drinking (old)

Achilles' heel see under Achillean

at (or on or upon) the heels of

Following close behind

back on one's heels

  1. Driven back by an opponent
  2. On the defensive

bring to heel

To cause or persuade to come to heel

clap by the heels same as lay by the heels (see below).

come to heel

  1. To come in behind
  2. To obey or follow like a dog
  3. To submit to authority

cool one's heels

To be kept waiting for some time

dig in one's heels

To behave stubbornly

down at heel

  1. Having the heels of one's shoes trodden down
  2. Slovenly
  3. In poor circumstances

heel and toe

With strict walking pace, as opposed to running (also intransitive verb to use the heel and toe of one foot to operate both the brake and accelerator pedals, eg when driving a racing car)

heel in

To cover the roots of (plants, etc) temporarily with earth to keep them moist (also hele in)

heel of Achilles see under Achillean

heels o'er gowdy (Scot) or heels over head (archaic)

Upside down

kick one's heels

To endure a period of inactivity

kick up one's heels

To gambol or frisk

lay by the heels

  1. To fetter
  2. To put in confinement

out at heel

  1. Having one's heels showing through holes in the socks or stockings
  2. Shabby

set by the heels same as lay by the heels (see above).

set (one) back on one's heels

To surprise, astonish one

show a clean pair of heels

To run off

take to one's heels

To flee

tread on someone's heels

To come crowding behind

trip up someone's heels

To trip up or overthrow someone

turn on (or upon) one's heel

To turn sharply round, to turn back or away

two for his heels

(in cribbage) a score for turning up the jack

under the heel

Crushed, ruled over tyrannically

walk to heel

(of a dog) to walk obediently at the heels of the person in charge of it, under control

lay1 /lā/

transitive verb (layˈing; laid)
  1. To cause to lie
  2. To place or set down
  3. To beat down
  4. To spread on a surface
  5. To spread or set something on
  6. To cover
  7. To apply
  8. To cause to subside
  9. To exorcize
  10. To deposit
  11. To set on the table
  12. To make (a bet), wager
  13. To put forward
  14. To cause to be
  15. To set
  16. To produce and deposit
  17. To station
  18. To locate
  19. To put in (a particular) position
  20. To waylay
  21. To impose
  22. To attribute or impute
  23. To set material in position for making
  24. To form (a rope, etc) by setting in position and twisting
  25. To design or plan
  26. To layer (horticulture)
  27. To cause (a hedge) to grow more thickly by cutting some of the growth halfway through and pressing it diagonally towards the ground
  28. To have sexual intercourse with (slang)
  29. To put below the horizon by sailing away
  30. To give birth to a child (obsolete)
  31. To beset (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb
  1. To produce eggs
  2. To wager or bet
  3. To deal blows
  4. To lie (archaic, nautical and non-standard)
  1. A situation, a place for lying
  2. An oyster-bed
  3. A way of lying
  4. A disposition, arrangement or plan
  5. A layer
  6. A mode of twisting
  7. Laying activity
  8. An act of sexual intercourse (slang)
  9. A partner, usu female, in sexual intercourse (slang)
  10. A bet (Shakespeare)
  11. A share of profit, esp in whaling
  12. A field or method of operation, esp in thieving (slang)
ORIGIN: OE lecgan to lay, causative of licgan to lie; cf ON leggja, Ger legen

layer /lāˈər or lār/ noun

  1. A course, bed or stratum
  2. Someone who or something which lays, eg a hen, a bricklayer, etc
  3. A distinctively coloured space between contour lines on a map
  4. A shoot bent down to earth in order to take root
transitive verb and intransitive verb

To propagate by layers

transitive verb
  1. To put in layers
  2. To cut (hair) in layers
intransitive verb

To be laid flat, lodge

layˈered adjective

In or with layers

layˈering noun

layˈing noun

  1. The first coat of plaster
  2. The act or time of laying eggs
  3. The eggs laid

layˈabout noun

A lazy, idle person, a loafer

layˈaway noun

  1. Goods on which a deposit has been paid, kept for a customer until payment is completed
  2. This system of purchasing goods

layˈback noun

In rock climbing, a method of climbing a sharp-edged crack in a horizontal position (also intransitive verb)

layˈ-by noun (pl layˈ-bys)

  1. A widened area of a roadway to allow vehicles to draw up out of the stream of traffic
  2. (also layˈ-bye) a deposit against future purchase (S Afr)
  3. (also layˈ-bye) a system of reserving the right to purchase goods by making a deposit (S Afr)

layˈ-down noun

  1. In card games, esp bridge, a hand which cannot fail to take the number of tricks required to win, and which therefore is sometimes exposed to view without any play taking place
  2. The contract made by the holder of such a hand

layer cake noun

A cake built up in layers

layˈ-off noun

  1. A temporary suspension of work introduced by an employer as an economic measure
  2. The act of laying off or period of time during which someone lays off or is laid off

layˈout noun

  1. Something which is laid out
  2. A display
  3. An outfit
  4. The disposition, arrangement, plan, esp of buildings or ground
  5. The general appearance of a printed page, also called format
  6. A set, unit or organization

layˈover noun (chiefly N American)

A break in a journey

layˈshaft noun

An auxiliary geared shaft in a machine, esp the secondary shaft in a car's gearbox

layˈstall noun (obsolete)

A place for depositing dung, rubbish, etc

layˈ-up noun

  1. The time or condition of being laid up
  2. (in basketball) a shot taken from near the basket, esp one-handed and bouncing off the backboard
  3. (in golf) a shot deliberately played short of a hazard or green

lay aboard

To run alongside, esp in order to board

lay about one

To deal blows vigorously or on all sides

lay a course (nautical)

To succeed in sailing to the place required without tacking

lay aside or lay away

  1. To discard
  2. To put on one side for future use (see also layaway above)

lay at

To try to strike

lay away

  1. To lay eggs in out-of-the-way places (Scot, etc)
  2. To purchase goods by layaway (qv above)

lay bare

To show clearly, disclose

lay before

To submit (eg plans) to

lay by

  1. To keep for future use
  2. To dismiss
  3. To put off

lay by the heels see under heel1

lay down

  1. To give up
  2. To deposit, as a pledge
  3. To apply (eg embroidery; archaic)
  4. To formulate
  5. To assert (a law or rule)
  6. To store
  7. To plant
  8. To record
  9. To lay on (printing)

lay hands on see under hand

lay heads together (archaic)

To confer together

lay hold of or on

To seize

lay in

To get in a supply of

lay into

To beat thoroughly

lay it on

  1. To charge exorbitantly
  2. To do anything, eg to exaggerate or flatter, excessively

lay off

  1. To mark off
  2. To dismiss temporarily from employment as an economic measure
  3. To cease (informal)
  4. To doff (archaic)
  5. To harangue volubly
  6. To hedge (gambling)
  7. To pass (the ball) to a teammate who is in a better position (football)

lay of the land (chiefly N American) same as lie of the land (see under lie2)

lay on

  1. To install a supply of
  2. To provide
  3. To deal blows with vigour
  4. To arrange made-up pages in the correct order on the imposing surface (also lay down; printing)

lay oneself open to

To make oneself vulnerable to, or exposed to (criticism, etc)

lay oneself out to (archaic)

To make it one's professed object or practice, take great pains, to

lay on hands see under hand

lay on load (Spenser)

To belabour

lay on the table see under table

lay open

  1. To make bare, to show or expose
  2. To cut open

lay out

  1. To display
  2. To spend (money)
  3. To plan
  4. To arrange according to a plan
  5. To prepare for burial
  6. To knock unconscious
  7. To take measures, seek

lay siege to

  1. To besiege
  2. To importune

lay the table

To put dishes, etc on the table in preparation for a meal

lay to

  1. To apply with vigour
  2. To bring a ship to rest

lay to heart see under heart

lay under

To subject to

lay up

  1. To store up, preserve
  2. (usu in passive) to confine to bed or one's room
  3. To put in dock for cleaning, repairs, etc or because no longer wanted for or fit for service
  4. To play a lay-up shot

lay upon

To wager upon

lay wait

To lie in wait, or in ambush

lay waste

To devastate

on a lay

On shares instead of wages





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