

单词 Lord's table

lord /lörd/ (with cap when used as a prefix)

  1. A master
  2. A feudal superior (also lordˈ-supeˈrior; historical)
  3. A ruler
  4. The proprietor of a manor (historical)
  5. A titled nobleman, duke (not prefixed), marquess, earl, viscount or (esp) baron
  6. A peer
  7. By courtesy, the son of a duke or marquess, or the eldest son of an earl
  8. A bishop, esp if a member of the House of Lords
  9. A judge of the Court of Session
  10. Used in various official titles, such as Lord Chief Justice
  11. (with cap) God
  12. (with cap) Christ
  13. An owner (archaic)
  14. A dominant person
  15. A husband, esp in the phrase lord and master (archaic or facetious)
transitive verb
  1. (with it) to act like a lord, tyrannize
  2. To address as lord
  3. To make a lord (archaic)

Expressing surprise (informal lor, lor’, law or lordˈy)

ORIGIN: ME lovered, laverd, from OE hlāford, from hlāf bread, and ward (WSax weard) keeper, guardian

lordˈing noun (archaic)

  1. Sir (usu in pl, gentlemen)
  2. A petty lord

lordˈless adjective

lordˈlike adjective

lordˈliness noun

lordˈling noun

  1. A little lord
  2. A would-be lord (also lordˈkin)

lordˈly adjective

  1. Like, befitting, or in the manner of a lord
  2. Magnificent
  3. Lavish
  4. Lofty
  5. Haughty, proud
  6. Tyrannical

In a lordly manner

lordolˈatry noun (joc)

Worship of nobility

lordˈship noun

  1. The state or condition of being a lord
  2. The territory of a lord (historical)
  3. Dominion
  4. Authority
  5. Used in referring to or addressing a lord (with his or your), or a woman sheriff or judge (with her or your)

Lord Advocate see under advocate

Lord Chancellor see under chancellor

Lord Chief Justice see under justice

Lord High Admiral see under admiral

Lord Lieutenant see under lieutenant

Lord Mayor see under mayor

Lord Muck see under muck

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary noun

A judge appointed to the House of Lords to hear appeals to the House in its capacity as court of final appeal

Lord of Misrule see under misrule

Lord of Session noun

A judge of the Court of Session

Lord Provost see under provost

lords and ladies noun (botany)

Common arum

Lord's Day noun


Lords Ordinary plural noun

The judges forming the Outer House of the Court of Session

Lord's Prayer noun

The prayer that Christ taught his disciples (Matthew 6.9–13)

Lords Spiritual plural noun

The archbishops and bishops (and formerly mitred abbots) in the House of Lords

Lord's Supper noun

Holy communion

Lord's table noun

The communion table

Lords Temporal plural noun

The lay peers

lord-superior see lord (n) above.

drunk as a lord

Extremely drunk

House of Lords

The upper house of the British parliament

live like a lord

To live in luxury

Lord knows (who, what, etc)

I don't know, and I doubt if anybody knows

My Lord /mi-lördˈ or mi-ludˈ/

  1. Used in addressing a judge or other lord
  2. Formerly also used as a prefix

table /tāˈbl/

  1. An article of furniture consisting of a flat top on legs, a pillar or trestles, for use at meals, work, play, for holding things, etc (often in combination, as in worktable, gaming-table, etc)
  2. A flat surface, such as a plateau
  3. A slab or board
  4. A layer
  5. A compact scheme of numerical information, words, facts, etc, usu in columns
  6. (in pl) a collection of these for reference
  7. A syllabus or index
  8. A condensed statement
  9. A slab with or for an inscription
  10. A slab inscribed with laws
  11. (in pl) a code of law (eg the Twelve Tables of ancient Rome)
  12. A writing tablet (esp in the obsolete phrase a pair of tables)
  13. Supply of food, entertainment
  14. The company at a table
  15. The soundboard of a violin, guitar or similar instrument
  16. A string-course (architecture)
  17. A panel
  18. A board for painting on
  19. A picture
  20. A broad flat surface on a cut gem
  21. A tabular crystal
  22. A board for a game, eg chess
  23. Each half of a folding board
  24. (in pl) a backgammon board, or the game itself (obsolete)
  25. A quadrangular space on the palm of the hand (Shakespeare)
  26. A flat gravestone supported on pillars
  27. A board or committee
  28. A dispensing of the communion
  29. A projecting part of a scarfed joint

Of, for, like or relating to a table or meals

transitive verb
  1. To put forward (a bill, order, proposal, etc) for discussion in parliament or some formal meeting
  2. To postpone discussion of (a bill, etc) for some time or indefinitely (N American)
  3. To tabulate
  4. To lay on the table
  5. To pay down
  6. To board
intransitive verb

To board

ORIGIN: Partly OE tabule, tabele, partly OFr (and Fr) table, both from L tabula a board

tabled /tāˈbld/ adjective

  1. Flat-topped
  2. Having a smooth sloping surface of dressed stone
  3. Having a table or tables

taˈbleful noun

As much as a table will hold

taˈblewise adjective and adverb

  1. In the form or in the manner of a table
  2. (of the communion table) not altarwise

taˈbling noun

  1. Tabulation
  2. The presenting of a bill, order, proposal, etc for discussion
  3. Playing at tables or backgammon
  4. Board
  5. Provision of tables
  6. Scarfing
  7. A broad hem on the skirt of a sail to reinforce it

table beer noun

Light beer for common use

table book noun

  1. A book of writing tablets, memorandum book or notebook
  2. An ornamental book intended to lie on a table
  3. A book of tables

taˈblecloth noun

A cloth for covering a table, esp at meals

table cover noun

A cloth for covering a table, esp at other than meal-times

taˈble-cut adjective

(of gems) cut with a flat top

taˈble-dancer noun

A striptease dancer who performs on a table in front of individual clients at a club

taˈble-dancing noun

table d'hôte /tä-bl’-dōt/ noun (pl tables d'hôte /tä-bl’-dōt/)

(Fr, host's table) a meal at a fixed price (as at a hotel)


(of a meal) charged at a fixed price

table football noun

A version of football played on a table with small metal, etc players usu suspended on rods, which are turned and spun to strike the ball

table game noun

A board game

table knife noun

A knife for cutting one's meat, etc with at the table

taˈbleland noun

  1. An extensive region of elevated land with a flat or undulating surface
  2. A plateau

table leaf noun

An extension to a table top, hinged, drawn out or inserted

table licence noun

A licence to serve alcoholic drinks with meals only

table linen noun

Linen tablecloths, napkins, etc

table maid noun

A woman who sets the table and waits

table manners plural noun

Social behaviour at the table during meals

table mat noun

A mat placed under dishes on a table

table money noun

  1. An allowance (esp in the services) for official entertainment
  2. A restaurateur's euphemism for cover-charge

table music noun

Music in parts that can be read by performers at each side of a table

table napkin noun

A cloth (or paper substitute) used during a meal to protect the clothes and to wipe fingers and lips

taˈble-rapping noun

Knocking or tapping sounds on a table, attributed by spiritualists to the spirits of the dead attempting to communicate with the living

table salt noun

Fine salt suitable for adding as a seasoning to food

table skittles singular noun

A game in which a suspended ball is swung to knock down pegs set up on a board

taˈblespoon noun

One of the largest spoons used for measuring and serving food

taˈblespoonful noun (pl taˈblespoonfuls)

As much as will fill a tablespoon

taˈble-sport noun (Shakespeare)

The butt of the company at table

table talk noun

Familiar conversation, as at the table, during and after meals

table tennis noun

A game like lawn tennis played on a table using hollow balls of Celluloid or similar light material

table top noun

  1. The top of a table
  2. A flat top
  3. A piece of equipment small or portable enough to be used on a table, desk, etc

taˈble-topped adjective

taˈble-turning noun

  1. Movements of tables (or other objects) attributed by spiritualists to the agency of spirits, and by the sceptical to collective involuntary muscular action
  2. The practice of turning tables (see turn the tables below)

taˈbleware noun

Dishes, spoons, knives, forks, etc for table use

table water noun

A mineral water suitable for drinking with a meal

table wine noun

An ordinary wine usu drunk with a meal

taˈble-work noun (printing)

The setting of type for tables, columns of figures, etc

at table

At a meal

fence the tables see under fence

lay on the table

To table (a bill, etc; see vt above)

Lord's table see under lord

turn the tables

To bring about a complete reversal of circumstances, from the idea of players at backgammon changing sides

under the table

  1. Not above-board, illicit
  2. Hopelessly drunk (informal)





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