

单词 Holy Spirit

holy /hōˈli/

  1. Perfect in a moral sense
  2. Pure in heart
  3. Religious
  4. Associated with God or gods
  5. Set apart for a sacred use
  6. Regarded with awe (often ironic)
  7. Saintly
  8. Sanctimonious, simulating holiness

A holy object, place or (obsolete) person

ORIGIN: OE hālig, literally, whole, from hāl sound; connected with hail2, heal1, whole

hoˈlily adverb

hoˈliness noun

  1. Sanctity
  2. (with cap) a title of the Pope and of patriarchs in Eastern Churches
  3. (with cap) a title of respect applied in non-Christian religions to a person believed to have achieved a high degree of spiritual enlightenment

holydam, holydame or hollidam noun (Shakespeare)

, used for halidom

hoˈlier-than-thouˈ adjective

Offensively sanctimonious and patronizing


  1. Such an attitude
  2. Someone who has such an attitude

hoˈly-ale noun

(conjectured in Shakespeare's Pericles I.1.6, for rhyme's sake) a church festival

Holy Alliance noun

A league formed after the fall of Napoleon (1815) by the sovereigns of Austria, Russia and Prussia, professedly to regulate all national and international relations in accordance with the principles of Christian charity

holy city noun

  1. Depending upon religion: Jerusalem
  2. Rome
  3. Mecca
  4. Benares
  5. Allahabad, etc
  6. (in Christianity) heaven

holy coat noun

The seamless robe of Jesus, claimed to be kept at Trier, Germany

hoˈly-cruˈel adjective (Shakespeare)

Cruel through holiness

holy day noun

A religious festival (see also holiday)

Holy Family noun

The infant Christ with Joseph, Mary, etc

Holy Ghost see Holy Spirit below.

holy grail see under grail1

holy grass noun

A sweet-smelling grass sometimes strewn on church floors on festival days

holy Joe noun (slang)

  1. A parson
  2. A pious person

Holy Land noun

Biblical Palestine

Holy Office noun

  1. The Inquisition
  2. A former title of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the RC doctrinal court

holy of holies noun

  1. The innermost chamber of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
  2. A very sacred place

Holy One noun

  1. God
  2. Christ
  3. The one who is holy, by way of emphasis
  4. A person, eg a monk, living a cloistered life in the service of God

holy orders see under order

Holy Roller noun (derogatory)

A preacher or follower of an extravagantly emotional religious sect

Holy Roman Empire noun

The unification of Europe with papal blessing, under a Christian emperor, 800–814AD and 962–1806AD

hoˈly-rood (as a place name /holˈ/) noun

  1. Christ's cross
  2. A cross, esp in Roman Catholic churches over the entrance to the chancel (for Holy-rood Day see under rood)

Holy Saturday noun

The Saturday before Easter Sunday

Holy See noun

The Roman Catholic bishopric of Rome, ie the Pope's see

Holy Sepulchre noun

The tomb in which the body of Christ was laid after the crucifixion

Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost noun

The third person of the Christian trinity

hoˈlystone noun

A sandstone used by seamen for cleansing the decks, said to be named from cleaning the decks for Sunday, or from kneeling in using it

transitive verb

To scrub with a holystone

holy terror noun (informal, esp joc)

A formidable person, or someone given to causing commotion or agitation

Holy Thursday noun

Maundy Thursday

holy war noun

  1. A war waged for the eradication of heresy or a rival religion
  2. A Crusade

holy water noun

Water blessed for religious uses

Holy Week noun

The week before Easter

Holy Willie noun

A religious hypocrite (after Burns's poem)

holy writ noun

The Scriptures

Holy Year noun

In the Roman Catholic Church, a jubilee year

spirit /spirˈit/

  1. The vital principle
  2. The principle of thought
  3. The soul
  4. A disembodied soul
  5. A ghost
  6. An incorporeal being
  7. Enthusiasm
  8. Actuating emotion, disposition, frame of mind
  9. A leading, independent, or lively person
  10. Animation
  11. Verve
  12. Courage
  13. Mettle
  14. Real meaning
  15. Essence, chief quality
  16. A breath of wind (archaic or poetic)
  17. A breath (obsolete)
  18. A breathing (Gr grammar)
  19. A kidnapper (obsolete)
  20. (usu in pl) a formerly supposed subtle substance in the body
  21. (in pl) cheerful or exuberant vivacity
  22. (in pl) state of mind, mood
  23. (in pl) mental powers (obsolete)
  24. (in pl) spirituous liquor
  25. (the following also in pl, sometimes with verb in sing) a distilled liquid
  26. An aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol
  27. A solution in alcohol
transitive verb
  1. To give spirit to
  2. To inspirit, encourage, cheer
  3. To convey away secretly, to kidnap (often with away, off)
ORIGIN: L spīritus a breath, from spīrāre to breathe

spirˈited adjective

  1. Full of spirit, life, or fire
  2. Animated
  3. Possessed by a spirit

spirˈitedly adverb

spirˈitedness noun

spirˈitful adjective

spirˈiting noun

  1. The action of someone who spirits in any sense
  2. The behaviour of a spirit or sprite

spirˈitism noun

  1. Spiritualism
  2. Animism

spirˈitist noun

spiritistˈic adjective

spirˈitless adjective

  1. Without spirit, cheerfulness, or courage
  2. Dejected
  3. Dead

spirˈitlessly adverb

spirˈitlessness noun

spirˈitous adjective

  1. Of the nature of spirit, pure
  2. Ardent, spirituous

spirˈitousness noun

spirˈitūal adjective

  1. Of, of the nature of, relating to, spirit, a spirit, spirits, the mind, the higher faculties, the soul
  2. Highly refined in thought and feeling, habitually or naturally looking to things of the spirit
  3. Incorporeal
  4. Ecclesiastical, religious
  5. Witty, clever, as a Gallicism
  6. Spirituous (obsolete or rare)
  1. That which is spiritual
  2. A black American religious song

spirˈitualism noun

  1. The condition of being spiritual
  2. The philosophical doctrine that nothing is real but soul or spirit
  3. The doctrine that spirit has a real existence apart from matter
  4. The interpretation of a varied series of abnormal phenomena as for the most part caused by spiritual beings acting upon specially sensitive persons or mediums (also spirˈitism)

spirˈitualist noun

  1. Someone who has a regard only to spiritual things
  2. (sometimes with cap) someone who holds the doctrine of spiritualism or spiritism

spiritualistˈic adjective

spirituality /-alˈi-ti/ noun

  1. The state of being spiritual
  2. That which is spiritual
  3. Property held or revenue received in return for spiritual service (historical)
  4. The clergy (historical)

spiritualīzāˈtion or spiritualīsāˈtion noun

spirˈitualize or spirˈitualise transitive verb

  1. To make spiritual
  2. To imbue with spirituality
  3. To refine
  4. To free from sensuality
  5. To give a spiritual meaning to

spirˈitualizer or spirˈitualiser noun

spirˈitually adverb

spirˈitualness noun

The state or quality of being spiritual

spirˈitualty noun (obsolete or historical)

  1. Spirituality
  2. The clergy

spirituel, also fem (indiscriminately used) spirituelle /spē-rē-tü-elˈ or (informal) spir-it-ū-elˈ/ adjective

Showing refined and witty grace and delicacy

spirituosˈity noun

  1. Spirituous character
  2. Immateriality

spirˈituous adjective

  1. Sprightly (obsolete)
  2. Spiritual (obsolete)
  3. Of the nature of, or containing, a volatile substance (archaic)
  4. Alcoholic

spirˈituousness noun

spiritus /spīrˈ or spirˈi-təs or spēˈri-tŭs/ noun

  1. Spirit
  2. A breathing (Gr grammar; spiritus asper rough breathing, spiritus lenis smooth breathing)

spirˈity adjective (dialect or informal)

  1. Spirited
  2. Spirituous

spirˈit-blue noun

Aniline blue

spirit duck noun

Another name for the bufflehead, from its rapid diving

spirit duplicator noun

One that uses a solution of alcohol in the copying process

spirit gum noun

A preparation used by actors for attaching false beards, etc

spirit lamp noun

A lamp burning methylated or other spirit to give heat

spirit level noun

A glass tube nearly filled with usu alcohol, showing perfect levelness when the bubble is central

spirit master noun

The master sheet used in a spirit duplicator

spirit photography noun

The taking of photographs of people in which other shadowy figures appear

spirit rally noun (US)

A mass meeting held to arouse enthusiasm, celebrate achievements, honour deserving individuals, etc

spirit rapper noun

Someone who claims to receive messages from disembodied spirits by raps or knocks

spirˈit-rapping noun

spirˈit-stirring adjective

Rousing the spirit

spiritual healing noun

The transfer of healing energy by the laying on of hands or (in absent or distant healing) by visualizing its transfer

spirit varnish noun

Shellac or other resin in a volatile solvent, usu alcohol

spirit world noun

The world of disembodied spirits

animal spirits

  1. A form of energy formerly believed to be sent along the nerves from the brain in order to cause sensation and motion
  2. Hence, constitutional liveliness

Holy Spirit or the Spirit see Holy Ghost under holy

in spirits

Cheerfully vivacious

out of spirits


spirit (or spirits) of ammonia

Sal volatile

spirit (or spirits) of salt

Hydrochloric acid in water

spirit (or spirits) of wine






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