

单词 metapsychology

meta- /me-tə-/ or (before a vowel) often met- /met-/

combining form
  1. Signifying: among, with
  2. After, later
  3. Often implies change, as in metamorphose
  4. Beyond, above, as in metamathematics
  5. Position beyond, as in metacarpal. In chemistry, meta- indicates (1) a derivative of, or an isomer or polymer of, the substance named, or (2) an acid or hydroxide derived from the ortho- form of the substance by loss of water molecules, or (3) a benzene substitution product in which the substituted atoms or groups are attached to two carbon atoms which are themselves separated by one carbon atom (in this sense commonly represented by m)
ORIGIN: Gr meta among, with, beside, after

metacarpˈal adjective

(also noun)

metacarpˈus noun (pl metacarpˈi /-ī/)

(Gr karpos wrist) the part of the hand (or its bones) between the wrist and the fingers, or the corresponding part of an animal, eg the foreleg of a horse between ‘knee’ and fetlock

metˈacentre noun

(Gr kentron point) the point of intersection of a vertical line through the centre of gravity of a body floating in equilibrium and that through the centre of gravity of the displaced liquid when the body is slightly displaced

metacenˈtric adjective

metachromatˈic adjective

  1. (Gr chroma colour) of dyes, capable of staining cells so that they turn a different colour to that of the dye
  2. Of cells, taking a colour different to that of the dye with which they are stained
  3. Of or relating to metachromatism

metachrōˈmatism noun

Change in colour

metachrosis /-krōˈsis/ noun

(Gr chrōsis colouring) ability to change colour in animals

metacognition /-kog-nishˈən/ noun (psychology)

Awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes, enabling one to learn effectively

metˈadata plural noun

Information about information already supplied, eg details about a site on the Internet

metˈafiction noun

Fiction which self-consciously comments on its status as fiction

metaficˈtional adjective

metˈafile noun (computing)

Graphical information capable of being transferred between systems or software

metagalacˈtic adjective

metagalˈaxy noun

  1. The whole universe considered as a system of galaxies
  2. Any system of galaxies

metagenˈesis noun (Gr genesis generation; biology)

Alternation of generations

metagenetˈic adjective

metagnathous /met-agˈnə-thəs/ adjective

  1. (Gr gnathos jaw) (of birds) having crossed mandibles
  2. (of insects) having biting jaws in the larvae, sucking in the adult state

metˈalanguage noun

A language or a system of symbols used to discuss another language or symbolic system

metalˈdehyde noun

A polymer of acetaldehyde

metalinguisˈtic adjective

Of or relating to (a) metalanguage or to metalinguistics

metalinguisˈtically adverb

metalinguisˈtics singular noun

The study of the relation between a language and other features of behaviour in a particular culture, of language structure in relation to meaning, of expression or gesture accompanying spoken language, etc

metamatēˈrial noun (physics)

An artificially created material having properties not found in nature

metamathematˈics singular noun

The logical analysis of formal mathematics, its concepts, terminology, use of symbols, etc

metˈamer noun (Gr meros a part; chem)

A compound metameric with another

metˈamere /-mēr/ noun (zoology)

A segment, merosome, or somite

metamerˈic adjective

  1. (of chemical compounds) having the same molecular weight, but different structures and chemical properties
  2. Of or relating to a metamere or metameres

metamerˈically adverb

metamˈerism noun

  1. A particular form of isomerism in which different groups are attached to the same central atom (chem)
  2. Segmentation of an animal along the primary axis, producing a series of homologous parts (zoology)

metˈaphase noun

The stage of mitosis at which the chromosomes are attached to the spindle but have not yet segregated

metaphosˈphate noun

A salt of metaphosphoric acid

metaphosphorˈic adjective

Applied to an acid (HPO3) containing a molecule less of water than orthophosphoric acid

metapsychic /met-ə-sīˈkik/ or metapsychˈical adjective

(from psychic on the analogy of metaphysics)

metapsychˈics singular noun

  1. The study of psychic phenomena beyond the limits of ordinary or orthodox psychology
  2. Psychical research

metapsychologˈical adjective

metapsycholˈogy noun

Theories and theorizing on psychological matters, such as the nature of the mind, which cannot be verified or falsified by experiment or reasoning

metasequoiˈa noun

A conifer (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) discovered as a fossil and since found existing in China

metasilˈicate /-i-kāt/ noun

A salt of metasilicic acid

metasilicˈic /-isˈik/ adjective

Applied to an acid (H2SiO3)

metasōmatˈic adjective

metasōmˈatism noun (Gr sōma, -atos body; geology)

Metamorphism by chemical changes in minerals

metastabilˈity noun

  1. A state which appears to be chemically stable, often because of the slowness with which equilibrium is attained, eg that of a supersaturated solution
  2. A metastable state

metastable /metˈə-stā-bl/ adjective

Having metastability (metastable state an excited state, esp of an atom which has, however, insufficient energy to emit radiation)

metatarsal /-tärˈsl/ adjective

(also noun)

metatarˈsus noun

(Gr tarsos the flat of the foot) that part of the foot, or its bones, between the tarsus and the toes, or the corresponding part of an animal

metˈatheory noun

  1. Philosophical discussion of a particular theory
  2. Investigation of the properties of a formal language (logic)

Metatheria /-thēˈri-ə/ plural noun

(Gr thērion a wild beast) the marsupials

metathēˈrian adjective

Of or relating to the marsupials (also noun)

metathoracic /-thö-rasˈik/ adjective

metathorax /-thöˈraks/ noun

The third and last segment of an insect's thorax

Metazoa /met-ə-zōˈə/ plural noun (sing metazōˈon)

(Gr zōion animal; also without cap) many-celled animals, opp to Protozoa

metazōˈan adjective and noun

metazōˈic adjective

metempiric /met-em-pirˈik/ or metempirˈical adjective

  1. Beyond the scope of experience
  2. Of or relating to metempiricism

metempirˈicism /-i-sizm/ noun

The study of the existence of things beyond the scope of experience (also metempirics)

metempirˈicist noun





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