

单词 friendly fire

friend /frend/

  1. A person loving or attached to another
  2. A person with whom one is connected on a social networking site
  3. A close or intimate acquaintance
  4. A favourer, well-wisher or supporter
  5. A member of a society so named
  6. A relative (Scot)
  7. A lover (obsolete or euphemistic)
transitive verb
  1. To add someone to one's list of friends on a social networking website
  2. To befriend (archaic)
ORIGIN: OE frēond (orig a prp; cf frēon to love); Ger Freund

friendˈed adjective (archaic)

Supplied with friends

friendˈing noun (Shakespeare)


friendˈless adjective

  1. Without friends
  2. Destitute

friendˈlessness noun

friendˈlily adverb

friendˈliness noun

friendˈly adjective

  1. Like a friend
  2. Having the disposition of a friend
  3. Favourable
  4. Amicable
  5. (of a sports match, etc) played for amusement or practice rather than in a competition
  6. Relating to the Society of Friends or Quakers
  7. Able to handle small variations in the input format and/or enabling the easy correction of input errors (computing)
noun (pl friendˈlies)

A sports match played for amusement or practice

combining form

Easy and convenient for, compatible with, helpful to or in sympathy with

friendˈship noun

  1. Attachment from mutual esteem
  2. Friendly assistance

friendly fire noun (military)

Accidental firing upon one's allies rather than one's enemies

friendly lead noun (archaic)

An entertainment for the benefit of a person in need

friendly numbers plural noun (mathematics)

Pairs of numbers each of which is the sum of the factors of the other, including unity (also called amicable numbers; cf perfect number)

friendly society noun

A benefit society, an association for relief in sickness, old age or widowhood, by provident insurance

Friends of the Earth plural noun

An organization of conservationists and environmentalists

friend zone noun (informal)

A state of friendship that acts as a barrier to a romantic or sexual relationship

be friends with

To be on good terms with or well-disposed towards

friends with benefits (slang)

Two friends who have a casual sexual relationship

have a friend at court

To have a friend in a position where his or her influence is likely to prove useful

(Religious) Society of Friends

The proper designation of a sect of Christians better known as Quakers





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