

单词 hotshot

hot1 /hot/

adjective (hottˈer; hottˈest)
  1. Having a high temperature
  2. Very warm
  3. Fiery
  4. Pungent
  5. Powerful
  6. Giving a feeling suggestive of heat
  7. Animated
  8. Ardent
  9. Vehement
  10. Violent
  11. Passionate
  12. Sexually excited (slang)
  13. Lustful
  14. Sexually attractive (slang)
  15. Dangerously charged with electricity
  16. Dangerous
  17. Near the object sought (eg in the game of hide-and-seek)
  18. (of news) fresh, exciting
  19. (of jazz, etc) intensely played with complex rhythms and exciting improvisations
  20. Skilful (informal)
  21. Currently fashionable, sought-after, most wanted (informal)
  22. Recently stolen or obtained dishonestly (informal)
  23. Highly radioactive (informal)


transitive verb (hottˈing; hottˈed) (informal)

To heat

ORIGIN: OE hāt; Ger heiss, Swed het

hotˈly adverb

hotˈness noun

hottˈer noun (informal)

A (usu young) car thief who attempts displays of dangerous stunts in powerful cars

hottˈie or hottˈy noun

  1. A hot-water bottle (informal)
  2. A sexually attractive person (N American slang)

hottˈing noun (informal)

Attempting high-speed stunts in stolen powerful cars, often as a display

hottˈish adjective

hot air noun

Empty talk

hotˈ-air adjective

  1. Making use of heated air
  2. Boastful, empty

hot-air balloon noun

One containing air that is heated by a flame to maintain or increase altitude

hotˈ-and-hotˈ adjective

Cooked and served up at once in hot dishes (also noun)

hotˈbed noun

  1. A glass-covered bed heated by a layer of fermenting manure for bringing forward plants rapidly
  2. A place, or conditions, favourable to rapid growth or development, usu of a bad kind (figurative)

hot blast noun

A blast of heated air

hotˈ-bloodˈed adjective

  1. Having hot blood
  2. Homothermous
  3. Passionate
  4. Ardent
  5. High-spirited
  6. Irritable

hotˈ-brain noun (archaic)

A hothead

hotˈ-brained adjective (archaic).

hot button noun (orig US; politics)

An emotive topic, a sensitive issue

hotˈ-butt'on adjective

hot-cockˈles noun

An old game in which a person with eyes covered guesses who strikes him or her

hot coppers see under copper1

hot cross bun noun

A bun bearing a cross, customarily eaten on Good Friday

hot date noun

A social engagement with a person to whom one is sexually attracted

hot-deskˈing noun

The practice of allocating a desk only to a worker who needs it at the time rather than to each worker as a matter of course

hot dog noun

A hot sausage in a long soft roll

hotˈ-dog noun (informal; esp N American)

A person who performs clever manoeuvres, such as spins and turns, while surfing, skate-boarding, etc

intransitive verb (informal; esp N American)

  1. To perform such clever manoeuvres
  2. To show off

hotˈ-dogger noun

hotˈ-dogging noun

hot favourite noun

(in sports, races, etc) the one (considered) most likely to win (also figurative)

hot flue noun (obsolete)

A drying-room

hot flush (also (US) hot flash) noun

A sudden sensation of heat experienced by a menopausal woman

hotˈfoot adverb

In haste (hotfoot it (informal) to rush)

hot gospeller noun

  1. A loud, forceful proclaimer of a vigorously interactive kind of religious faith
  2. A fanatical propagandist

hot gospelling noun

hot hatch noun (informal)

A more powerful version (often designated GT, etc) of a standard hatchback car

hotˈ-hatch adjective

hotˈhead noun

  1. An impetuous headstrong person
  2. One who is easily angered

hotˈheaded adjective

hotˈhouse noun

  1. A greenhouse kept hot for the rearing of tropical or tender plants
  2. Any heated chamber or drying-room, esp that where pottery is placed before going into the kiln
  3. A hot-bathing establishment (obsolete)
  4. A brothel (Shakespeare)
  5. Any establishment promoting the development of skills, etc (figurative)


  1. (of a plant) suitable for rearing only in a greenhouse
  2. (too) delicate, unable to exist in tough, or even normal, conditions (figurative)

transitive verb

To educate intensively, esp to a precocious level

hotˈhousing noun

hot key noun (computing)

A key or combination of keys that activates a program, etc

hot line or hotˈline noun

  1. A special telephone and teleprinter link, orig one between the Kremlin and Washington, DC
  2. Any line of speedy communication ready for an emergency

hotˈ-livˈered adjective (Milton)


hot melt, hot-melt glue or hot-melt adhesive noun

An adhesive that is applied hot and which sets as it cools

hot metal noun (printing)

Machines or methods using type made from molten metal

hotˈ-metˈal adjective

hot money noun

Funds transferred suddenly from one country to another because conditions make transfer financially advantageous

hotˈ-mouthed adjective (obsolete)

(of a horse) restive, as when the bit hurts

hot pants plural noun

  1. Women's very brief shorts
  2. Sexual desire (for) (slang)

hotˈplate noun

  1. The flat top surface of a stove for cooking
  2. A similar plate, independently heated, for keeping things hot

hotˈpot noun

A dish of chopped mutton, beef, etc seasoned and stewed together with sliced potatoes

hot potato see under potato

hot press noun

  1. A device consisting of hot plates between which paper, cloth, etc are pressed to produce a glossy surface
  2. An airing cupboard (Irish)

hotˈ-press transitive verb

hot property noun (informal)

A person regarded as a great asset or success

hot rod noun

A motor car converted for speed by stripping off non-essentials and heightening in power

hot-rodˈder noun

  1. The owner of a hot rod
  2. A reckless youth

hot seat noun

  1. The electric chair (US sl)
  2. Any uncomfortable or tricky situation (figurative)
  3. A position of responsibility

hot shoe noun

A socket on a camera for attaching flash or other apparatus (also accessory shoe)

hotˈ-short adjective

Brittle when heated

hotˈshot noun (esp US)

A person who is (esp showily) successful, skilful, etc (also adjective)

hot-spirˈited adjective

Having a fiery spirit

hotˈspot noun

  1. An area of (too) high temperature in an engine, etc
  2. A region of the earth where there is evidence of isolated volcanic activity due to hot material rising through the earth's mantle
  3. A popular nightclub (informal)
  4. An area of potential trouble, esp political or military
  5. A place of very high radioactivity
  6. An area of a web page that activates a hyperlink when clicked on with a mouse (computing)
  7. An area where a portable computer equipped for wireless Internet connection can gain access to a local area network

hot spring noun

A spring of water that has been heated underground, occurring esp in volcanic regions

Hotˈspur noun

A violent, rash man, orig applied to Henry Percy (1364–1403)

hot stuff noun (informal)

Any person, thing, or performance that is outstandingly remarkable, excellent, vigorous or attractive

hotted-up see hot up below.

hot-temˈpered adjective

Having a quick temper

hot ticket noun (informal)

A highly popular person or thing

hotˈ-trod noun (Scot)

The chase in hot pursuit (see below) in old Border forays

hot tub noun

A large bath, esp outdoors, kept filled with hot water

hot wall noun

A wall enclosing passages for hot air, affording warmth to fruit trees

hot war noun

Real war, not cold war

hot water noun (informal)

A state of trouble

hot-water bottle noun

A (now usu rubber) container for hot water, used to warm a bed, or sometimes parts of the body

hot well noun

  1. A spring of hot water
  2. In a condensing engine, a reservoir for the warm water drawn off from the condenser

hot-wireˈ transitive verb

To start the engine of (a vehicle), usu illegally, without a key by manipulating the wiring

hotˈ-working noun (engineering)

The process of shaping metals by rolling, extrusion, forging, etc at elevated temperatures

hot yoga same as Bikram yoga

go or sell like hot cakes

To disappear or be sold promptly

have the hots for (vulgar sl)

To be sexually attracted to, desire sexually

hot and bothered

  1. Anxious and confused
  2. Agitated

hot on (informal)

  1. Very fond of, interested in
  2. Good at, well-informed about

hot on the heels of (informal)

Following or pursuing closely

hot to trot (informal)

Eager to begin

hot under the collar (informal)

  1. Indignant
  2. Embarrassed

hot up (informal)

To increase in excitement, energy, performance, etc (hotted-upˈ adjective)

in hot pursuit

Pursuing at full speed

make it hot for (informal)

To make it unpleasant or impossible for

shot1 /shot/

  1. An act of shooting
  2. A blast
  3. An explosive charge
  4. A single photographic exposure, or a length of cinematic film taken without a break with a single camera
  5. A camera's range or extent of view, as in out of shot
  6. A stroke, throw or hit in sports and games
  7. An attempt (informal)
  8. A spell (informal)
  9. A turn (informal)
  10. A guess (informal)
  11. The casting of a net
  12. A set of nets or length of net cast
  13. An aggressive remark
  14. An injection (informal)
  15. A dram (informal)
  16. A person that shoots, a marksman
  17. A projectile, esp one that is solid and spherical, without bursting charge
  18. A cannonball
  19. A weight for putting (athletics)
  20. A bullet
  21. A small pellet of which several are shot together
  22. Such pellets collectively
  23. The launch of a rocket to a specified destination
  24. Flight of a missile, or its distance
  25. Range, reach
  26. A plot of land
  27. (also scot) a payment, esp of a bill or one's share of a bill
  28. A contribution
transitive verb (shottˈing; shottˈed)

To load with shot

ORIGIN: OE sc(e)ot, gesc(e)ot; cf shoot

shottˈed adjective

shotˈ-blast transitive verb

shotˈ-blasting noun

The cleaning of metal, etc, by means of a stream of shot

shotˈ-clog noun (obsolete)

A simpleton who is only tolerated for his willingness to pay the bill

shotˈfirer noun (mining)

In blasting, the worker who fires the charge

shotˈ-free adjective

  1. Scot-free
  2. Safe from shot

shotˈgun noun see separate entry.

shotˈhole noun

  1. A hole made by a shot, or in timber by a boring insect, or in a leaf by a fungus
  2. A hole in a wall for shooting from
  3. A hole bored in rock for a blasting charge

shotˈmaker noun (sport, esp tennis and golf)

A person who produces winning, attacking or skilful shots or strokes

shotˈmaking noun

shot noise noun (electronics)

Inherent noise resulting from variations in the current output of an electronic device caused by the random pulses of electron emission from the electrode (also called flicker noise, Schottky noise)

shotˈproof adjective

Able to withstand shot

shot put noun

The athletics event of putting the shot

shotˈ-putter noun

shot tower noun

Formerly, a tower where small shot is made by dropping molten lead into water from a given height

shot window noun (obsolete)

Appar a hinged or casement window

a shot across the bows

One thus directed so as to warn a ship off rather than damage it (often figurative)

a shot in the arm

  1. An injection in the arm (medicine)
  2. A revivifying injection, eg of money, new effort, renewed confidence, fresh talent (figurative)

a shot in the dark

A random guess or wild speculation

big shot (informal)

A person of importance

call the shots see under call1

have a shot

  1. (with at) (informal) to have a try or go (at something)
  2. To jeer or carp (at someone) (Aust)

hotshot see under hot1

like a shot

  1. Instantly, quickly
  2. Eagerly, willingly

shot to nothing (snooker)

An attempt to pot a ball played in such way that, if the shot is missed, one's opponent will not be left with an easy opportunity

stand shot (obsolete and dialect)

To pay the bill

still have shot in the (or one's) locker

  1. To be still potent
  2. To have something yet in reserve





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