

单词 gang

gang1 /gang/

  1. A band of delinquents or criminals
  2. A number of people or animals (esp elk) associating together
  3. A number of labourers working together
  4. A set of children who habitually play together
  5. A set of tools, etc used together
transitive verb and intransitive verb

To associate in a gang or gangs

transitive verb
  1. To adjust in co-ordination
  2. To arrange or connect (electric components) so that they can be operated by a single control
  3. To attack as a gang (N Am inf)
ORIGIN: OE gang (Dan gang, Ger Gang), from gangan to go

ganger /gangˈər/ noun

The foreman of a gang of labourers

gangˈing noun

gangˈster noun

A member of a gang of delinquents or criminals

gangˈsterdom noun

gangˈsterism noun

gangˈ-bang noun (slang)

Successive sexual intercourse with one, usu unwilling, female by a group of males

transitive verb

To subject (a woman) to a gang-bang

gang-banger noun (US inf)

A member of a street gang (often shortened to banger)

gangˈbuster noun (US)

A special police agent working to combat criminal gangs, typically by means of strong, swift, effective operations (like gangbusters (US informal) with great speed, impact or effectiveness)

gangˈbusting noun

gangˈland or gangˈsterland noun

The domain of gangsters, the world of (esp organized) crime

gangˈmaster noun

A person who provides and organizes teams of casual labourers, esp in the agricultural industry

gang mill noun

A sawmill with gang saws

Gang of Four noun

  1. A term applied to a group of four of Chairman Mao's leading advisers after their political downfall
  2. (also without caps; sometimes facetious) any similar group in politics, etc

gang plug noun

An electrical adaptor with a row of sockets

gangˈ-punch transitive verb (computing)

To punch (the same information) in a number of cards, or to punch (a number of cards) with the same information

gang rape noun

A number of successive rapes committed by members of a group on one victim on one occasion

gangˈ-rape transitive verb

gang saw noun

A saw fitted in a frame with others

gangsˈman noun

The foreman of a gang

gangsterland see gangland above.

gang switches plural noun

A number of electrical switches connected so that they can be operated simultaneously

gang up on

To make a concerted attack on

gang up with

To join in the (dubious) activities of

gang2 /gang/

intransitive verb and transitive verb (prp gangˈing (rare); pat and pap not in use) (Scot)

To go

noun (Scot)

The range of pasture allowed to cattle

ORIGIN: OE gangan to go

gangˈer noun

  1. A walker (Scot)
  2. A fast horse (dialect)

gangˈrel noun (Scot)

  1. A vagrant
  2. A child beginning to walk (rare)

gangˈboard noun (nautical)

A gangway, plank or platform for walking on

gangˈ-bye noun (Scot)

The go-by

Gang Days plural noun (obsolete Scot)

Rogation Days

gangˈplank noun

A wooden board used to form a bridge to give access onto or out of a ship, or onto another ship

gangˈ-there-out adjective (archaic Scot)


gangˈway noun

  1. (OE gangweg) a gangplank, usu with sides for the protection of users, giving access onto or out of a ship
  2. An opening in a ship's side to take a gangway
  3. Any passageway on a ship
  4. An aisle between rows of seats, esp the cross-passage about halfway down the House of Commons (ministers and ex-ministers with their immediate followers sitting above the gangway)


  1. Make way
  2. Make room to pass

gangue or gang /gang/


Rock in which ores are embedded

ORIGIN: Fr, from Ger Gang a vein




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