

单词 Gasteropoda

gastro- or often before a vowel gastr- /gas-tr(ō)-/

combining form

Denoting (of or like) the stomach or belly

ORIGIN: Gr gastēr belly

gastralˈgia noun (Gr algos pain; medicine)

Pain in the stomach

gastrecˈtomy noun

(Gr ek out, and tomē cutting) surgical removal of the stomach, or part of it

gastrocnemius /gas-trok-nēˈmi-əs/ noun (pl gastrocneˈmiī)

(Gr knēmē lower leg) the muscle that bulges the calf of the leg

gastroenterˈic adjective


gastroenterīˈtis noun (medicine)

Inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines

gastroenterolˈogist noun

gastroenterolˈogy noun (medicine)

The study of the stomach and intestines

gastrointestˈinal (or /-īnˈl/) adjective

Of, relating to, or consisting of, the stomach and intestines

gastrolˈoger noun

gastrologˈical adjective

gastrolˈogy noun

Cookery, good eating

gastromancy /gasˈtrō-man-si/ noun

  1. (Gr manteiā soothsaying) divination by sounds from the belly, ie ventriloquism
  2. Divination by large-bellied glasses

gastronome /gasˈtrə-nōm/ or gastronomer /-tronˈə-mər/ noun

(Gr nomos law) a lover and connoisseur of good food and wines, an epicure

gastronomic /-nomˈik/ or gastronomˈical adjective

gastronˈomist noun

gastronˈomy noun

  1. The art or science of good eating
  2. (also gastronomˈics) the style of cooking typical of a country or region

gastroparēˈsis noun

A disorder, often associated with diabetes, in which paralysis of the stomach muscles delays the passage of food through the stomach

gasˈtropod or gasˈteropod noun (Gr pous, podos foot; zoology)

Any of the Gastropˈoda or Gasteropˈoda, a class of asymmetrical molluscs, including the limpets, whelks, snails and slugs, in which the foot is broad and flat, and the shell, if any, in one piece and conical

gastropˈodous or gasteropˈodous adjective

gasˈtropub noun

A pub that specializes in providing food and wine of a standard more typical of a fine restaurant than a traditional pub

gasˈtroscope noun

An instrument for inspecting the interior of the stomach

gasˈtrosoph noun

(Gr sophos wise) a person skilled in matters of eating

gastrosˈopher noun

gastrosˈophy noun

gastrosˈtomy noun

(Gr stoma mouth) the making of an opening to introduce food into the stomach

gastrotˈomy noun

(Gr tomē a cut) the operation of cutting open the stomach or abdomen





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