

单词 jeweller's rouge

ferric /ferˈik/

  1. Of iron
  2. Containing iron in its trivalent form (ferric acid a hypothetical acid H2FeO4) (chem)
ORIGIN: L ferrum iron

ferrifˈerous adjective

Bearing or yielding iron

ferric oxide noun

A red crystalline oxide of iron used as a coating on magnetic tape and as a metal polish (also called jeweller's rouge)

jewel /jooˈəl/

  1. A precious stone
  2. A personal ornament of precious stones, gold, etc
  3. A hard stone (ruby, etc) used for pivot bearings in a watch
  4. An imitation of a gemstone
  5. An ornamental glass boss
  6. Anything or anyone highly valued
transitive verb (jewˈelling; jewˈelled)
  1. To adorn with jewels
  2. To fit with a jewel
ORIGIN: OFr jouel (Fr joyau); either a dimin of Fr joie joy, from L gaudium joy, from gaudēre to rejoice, or derived through LL jocāle, from L jocārī to jest

jewˈeller noun

Someone who deals in, or makes, jewels

jewellery /jooˈəl-ri/ or jewˈelry noun

Jewels in general

jewel case or jewel box noun

  1. A casket for holding jewels
  2. A (usu plastic) storage case for a compact disc

jewˈelfish noun

An African cichlid (Hemichromis bimaculatus) popular in aquariums for its bright colours

jewˈel-house noun

A room in the Tower of London where the crown jewels are kept

jeweller's rouge noun

Finely powdered ferric oxide, used for polishing metal

jewˈel-weed noun

Any plant of the genus Impatiens

jewel in the crown

  1. Orig (in pl) any or all of the countries of the British Empire, esp (in sing) India
  2. The best, most highly prized, most successful, etc of a number or collection

rouge1 /roozh/

  1. Cosmetic powder used to redden the face, orig a mixture of safflower and talc
  2. A polishing powder of hydrated ferric oxide (also jeweller's rouge)
  3. French red wine (for vin rouge)
transitive verb

To colour with rouge

intransitive verb
  1. To use rouge
  2. To blush
ORIGIN: Fr rouge, from L rubeus red

Rouge Croix /krwä/, Rouge Dragon noun

Two of the pursuivants of the Heralds' College

rouge-et-noir /roozh-ā-nwär/ noun

A gambling card game played on a table with two red and two black diamond marks on which stakes are laid (also called trente-et-quarante)





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